Chapter 16

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Lydia walked past Stiles and I, placing a glass in my hands. I looked down at the pink liquid inside before looking back at her skeptically, biting my lip. She rolled her eyes.

"Look, I know you don't like to drink but it's our party, let loose a little." She reasoned with a reassuring smile. I hesitantly raised the cup to my lips. The alcohol stung slightly as it travelled down my throat, although that may just be because I wasn't used to it. She raised an eyebrow in question. "You like it?"

"It tastes weird." I told her with a frown and she chuckled.

"That's alcohol for ya, sweetie." She walked off to mingle with the rest of the now crowded party thanks to Scott and Stiles. I looked down at the cup before lifting my gaze towards Stiles, the frown still on my face. "Does this taste weird to you?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Not especially." He said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as he pulled me into his side. I took another drink from the cup, decided to follow Lydia's advice and let loose a bit.

"We should probably go over to Scott." I commented.

"Why." Stiles whined and my eyes turned from the young werewolf who was sitting alone, staring at Allison, to my soulmate besides me. "I wanna spend time with my girlfriend." I let my hand rest on his chest, circling meaningless patterns on the green shirt.

"We can spend time together later." I assured him.

"Why can't we just spend time together now?"

"Well, what I have in mind can't exactly be done here." I told him, looking up at him through my lashes. The raise in his heartbeat and the hitch of his breath bought a smirk on my face.

"A-Are you suggesting what I think you are?" Stiles asked eagerly. I shrugged with a grin, glancing down at the floor before looking back to him again.

"Guess you're just gonna have to find out later." I told him. He threw his head back with a frustrated groan.

"You know, you seem innocent and sweet but really you're devious and crafty." I laughed, "you're gonna kill me one day." Stiles pouted and I grinned, pinching his cheeks.

"If anyone's killing anyone it'll be you killing me, cutie." I told him. He smiled and took hold of my wrists, pulling them away from his face. Instead of letting them go he tugged me forwards so that I stumbled into his chest. "Hmm, smooth one, Stilinski." I commented and he smirked.

"I try." He replied before kissing me ardently. Everything else melted away and the only thing that mattered in that moment was the way his hand slipped through my hair and the feeling of his lips on mine. I arched into him, wrapping my arms around his torso. My lips moved from his and I began kissing my way from his jaw to nibble gently on his ear, causing him to groan. I pressed one final chaste kiss to his lips before pulling away and looking into Stiles' glazed over eyes. He licked his lips, "hmm strawberry."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't contain the giggle that flew out of my mouth as I swatted his arm. "Let's go to Scott." I told him before grabbing his hand and pulling us over to the still lonely boy.


"Are you gonna apologize to Allison or what?" Stiles asked as he leant against the pole and I leant into his left side, both of us holding our drinks.

"Why should I apologize?"

"Because you're the guy. It's, like, what we do." Stiles replied and I looked up at him with a smile.

"Ah, you've learnt well." He rolled his eye but kissed my nose anyway.

"But I didn't do anything wrong." Scott said, bringing the attention back to the point at hand.

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