Chapter 14

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Stiles jumped out of the car, running over to my side as I undid my seatbelt. He helped me to the ground and I kissed his cheek in thanks as Scott got out. We opened the boot and Stiles got a bag of the Mountain Ash out.

"Grab the other bag." Stiles told Scott.

"I can't. Remember Deaton said you have to do it alone." Scott replied.

"Okay, this plan is really starting to suck." Stiles commented. I rubbed his bicep comfortingly. Scott's head turned as if sensing something.

"No. Not here, not now." He mumbled to himself before running off.

"What? Scott!" Stiles shouted after the boy. "What am I supposed to- plan officially sucks." He turned to me. "What the hell do I do?"

"Line it around the building and like Deaton said, you have to believe in yourself." I told him, taking his face in my hands.

"You're going to stay with me, right?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I have to help with Jackson." He sighed. "You're going to do amazingly, Stiles, like you always do." He sent me a nervous smile, which I returned, although mine was more relaxed. I pulled him down to meet my lips. His mouth moved slowly against mine before we pulled away. "I've gotta go."

"Love you." Stiles exhaled.

"Love you, too. Good luck." I said before making my way into the building.


I was met with pulsating lights and a thumping bass I could feel run throughout my body. I watched as the crowd jumped sporadically, waving colourful glow-sticks through the air. I felt a hand tug on my arm. I jumped, spinning around, coming face to face with a grinning Isaac.

"Hey!" He greeted, "you look great!" He complimented, having to shout over the booming thumps of the music.

"Thanks!" I replied, he smiled in return before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards Scott.


"Why me?" Isaac questioned. Scott had just told us that Isaac was going to be the one to inject the Ketamine into Jackson.

"Because I've got to make sure that Argent doesn't completely ruin the plan." Scott answered. I furrowed my eyebrows and assumed that Allison told her parents about the plan for tonight. "Okay, look, you better do it intravenously which means in the vein. When you find him, you pull back on this plunger right here." Isaac took the injection gun as Scott gestured to Isaac's neck. "In the neck probably is going to be the easiest. So you find a vein, you jam it in there, and pull back on the trigger. Be careful." He warned and Isaac let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, I doubt it'll even slightly hurt him." Isaac reassured.

"No, I mean you." Scott said, correcting him.

"We don't want you to get hurt, Isaac." I told him with a solemn voice. He stared at me for a moment before nodding. Scott and I step away from Isaac and let him do his task. I looked down at my phone, bit my lower lip nervously, seeing no text from Stiles.

"Hey," Scott said, drawing my attention. "No news is good news, right? He's probably still lining the building with Mountain Ash." I sighed and nodded.

"I hope so."

"We should go." He said and I nodded as we moved towards the exit of the building. We duck under the roller doors and finally got outside. A car's headlights stung our eyes for a moment and before we knew it, the vehicle had slammed against us and it all went dark.

. . . 3RD PERSON . . .

Scott blinked, slowly opening his eyes. He cringed at the light that flooded his vision. Blinking a couple more times, the world was finally in focus. He looked up, seeing Victoria Argent staring right back down at him. Scott's eyes wandered down to the Angel who was laying on the floor; only just starting to wake up.

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