Ellen's chapter : chapter 1

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Ellen was a busy person, she had fortunes to make, people to deal with. People like Sam and Taurtis. But when she had the free time she would practice her magic. Now her magic wasn't anything special, but practice was better than being bad at it. But when she had some free time it was mostly spent with Sam, Taurtis and Yuki or Grian.

Lately she has been trying to practice an age spell. A spell that would make her look young. In japan it is very common to want to look younger, she is also a girl after all.

"Don't you wish you could stay younger, even if for a week? Or a day even?" Ellen asked Sam as they were sitting on a bench, in the park downtown.

The down town park was better than the park by the one by the school. One; Rowan wouldn't creep on her. Two; it wasn't close to the school, salex and Gareth would always bother her.

"Haha I guess I would, but looking the same everyday would be boring. Don't you think Ellen?" Sam had finally answered her.

"Well Sam, what if I said that I could make you younger!" Ellen answered enthusiastically.

"Then I would say you're goofing and gaffing" Sam retorted.

"Besides that, Sam could you pretty please help me make my potion? It's so important that if I don't do this I can't continue my magic, AND THAT'S VERY BAD!" Ellen was hysterical at this point, trying with all her might to persuade Sam to help her make her age potion.

"Argggg, fiiiiine" Sam replied.

"Yaaah, com on same let's go!" Ellen said as she pulled same to her secret-potion-making-place.

(Le time skip~)

Once they arrived at the secret-potion-making-place, which is a bunker, she left again to get the necessities for the potion. She had a list in her head when she arrived at the store.

She already had the first ingredient, a person willing to test the potion.

Now she had to get the persons favorite food, drink and candy. The rest of her list was a golden apple, a pure beings blood, the hair of a sinner, and the blood of a turtle.

She already got the ingredients for the potion in her bag, now she just need carrots, poki, and mountain dew.

Ellen had just entered the store to find Taurtis and Grian asking fish king, or anyone else were Sam was.

"Do you know where Sam is, Ellen?" she turned around and saw Yuki staring at her. She looked like she wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Yeah I do" Ellen lied. "I saw him get on the train".

'At least this will keep them busy for a while' Ellen thought.

When she was done talking to yuki, she went over and bought her needed items for the potion. Once paid for, she went back to her secret-potion-making-place, where Sam was waiting for her. When she opened the bunker, she saw Sam.

He was asleep on her bean-bag, snoozing away making these weird 'kekeke' sounds in his sleep.

Ellen quickly went to making the potion before Sam woke up.

First she had to get purified, boiling seawater. Then she had to put the blood in, next the hair, after that the juice of a golden apple. She had to let the pot sit and fume.

Next she cut up the carrots into small quarters, next was crunch up the poki, then put that in a bowl and mix them.

Once that was done she put the mountain dew in the pot with the blood and hair, pouring it in slowly. She let it boil some more taking a large spoon and stirring it slowly to make sure nothing was too thick. After she was done stirring she dumped in the poki and carrots, the color of the potion was changing colors rapidly.

Now Ellen just needed to wait an hour for the potion to be ready, she got it from a reliable source anyway, so what could go wrong?

"Oh wait! I'm so stupid, I forgot something. I really hope it's not too late!" Ellen said this and left to get her secret ingredient.

As the bunker door slammed closed, it awoke Sam, he jumped up from the bean-bag yelling. When he was fully awake and alert he looked around the place a second time.

He didn't notice the pot yet as walked around the bunker poking and looking at the potion ingredients. Soon a smell invaded his nose, alluring him. It smelled like his mother's homemade soup that he loved so dearly. He looked around the bunker for the supposed soup. As he looked around he found a big pot simmering on a giant, iron stove, he took off the lid to see it bubbling and smelling amazing to him.

He scoured the bunker for silverware and a bowl to eat from, after a minute or two he found the selected items. Sam went over to the pot and made himself a serving of the wonderful smelling soup. Once he had his food he went back to the bean-bag he had awoken from.

He sat down and ate a big mouthful of the soup, the moment Sam had put the spoon in his mouth he nearly vomited out the soup. The soup was still too hot for the rabbit's sensitive tongue, so this time before he ate the soup he blew on it to cool it down.

Now Sam could eat the soup, so he took another mouth full. He felt absolute bliss, everything mixed well and tasted heavenly.

In no time same had eaten his soup and gotten seconds, then thirds, then his last fourth serving, by now the pot was almost empty. Sam had gotten tired by now and was ready to take another nap. After cleaning up his dishes he went back to the bean-bag and fell back asleep, sleeping soundly.


Ellen had come back after getting the missing ingredient only to find Sam missing?

"Sam? Where are you?"

Ellen had but her bag down and walked through her bunker looking for the teenage bunny-boy. She had looked in the kitchen to find the soup nearly gone

"nononono... SAM! SAM WHERE ARE YOU!?"

Ellen was panicking as she looked everywhere same could be, only to hear a quite giggle in her tiny living space.


she spun around to be presented with a bean-bag, a pile of clothes, and a tiny baby, which looked the age of 10 months old.

"... oh...my... gord"

Ellen didn't show it but she was having a mental break-down.

'Oh gord, Sam is a baby, what am I going to tell everyone!? Hey, sorry but I turned Sam into a baby! Yeah! No way in heck am I doing that, no I need a strategy'.

She calmed herself and thought rationally. Sam is a baby, he probably ate the soup. That was the most plausible thing she could think of right now. She looked at the baby Sam, he was very small, and she could wrap him in his shirt. So Ellen did just that, she wrapped him in his white and blue shirt.

Ellen knew she had to make a potion, but she couldn't watch Sam at the same time so she called some one she knew who wouldn't freak out, to badly. She took out her cell phone an she called Okami artist.

"Hey, Miss Okami, could please meet me at the park down town, an please don't tell anyone!" Ellen said in a hurry.

"Okay Ellen, but why, may I ask?" Okami questioned.

"I'll tell you when I get there,ok?" Ellen answered as she tried to pick up Sam without dropping him on her concrete floor.

"Ok Ellen, see you there then". Okami hung up and Ellen hurried to get her stuff and Sam ready to leave and go meet Miss Okami at the park downtown. 

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