Chapter 4: shopping spree: J's chapter

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J was shocked to know that Sam was dumped on him by his own caring and loving teacher, Okami Artist. J looked at the baby bunny that was rolling around on the floor. "Well Sam, looks like were going shopping" J told the infant. The baby made a giggle sound and stood up, Sam was trying to slowly walk to J. J just stared at the baby like it was a mere insect. Sure J like babies he liked holding them and playing with them, but in no means necessary was he one to trust a baby with. Baby Sam was trying his hardest to get to J, he was scrunching up his face making him look like he was pouting.

J picked up Sam, which made Sam have a fit because he wanted to walk all the way by himself to J. "come on Sam please stop moving, I might drop you" J said in a worried tone. J had never babysat a child before. But he had to do it. "The only reason I'm doing this is because Okami asked me too" J said to the struggling baby in his arms.

Le time skip~

There j stood, in front of a baby store, full of soon-to-be/moms, awkward fathers and he had to be the only young looking person, besides the screaming children. J slowly walked to head register to ask where the infant clothes were.

"Um, excuse me" J said passively to the register person. "Yeah? What is it?" they said in an annoyed tone. "Can you please, um, show me where the infant clothes are...please?" J asked trying to be quite as possible. "Yeah, uh, in the back" they pointed to a big sign that said infant items. J felt like slapping himself, but he can't because he has a pouting bunny hybrid child in his arms.

J silently walked over to the section of clothes first, he checked his list, and 'Bunny hat' was the first thing of clothing that stuck out to him on the list first. J looked for a bunny hat reading of the name of the animal hats to himself. 'Wolf... cat... dog... penguin... tiger... deer... polar bear... mouse'. J was getting pissed at this point. He walked to the clerk and asked where the rabbit hats were. "Sorry, but we just ran out" the clerk said. "Well can't you just see if you have one left?" J asked trying to be nice. "Tch, fine I'll take a look." The clerk said, the clerk then walked to the back and came out with a smug face. 'That face reminds me of Domrao' J thought to himself.

"You're in luck sir, this is the last hat that we have". The clerk then handed J the white hat with bunny ears. "Thank you for checking for me" J said to the clerk. "Your welcome, now don't bother me anymore".

J continued on his journey through the story, when suddenly a couple of girls walked up to J squealing. "Kyaah, who is this little cutie!" the girl with neon green hair said. She was trying to pull Sam out of his hands. "Um, excuse me but can refrain from touching me and this kid" J said trying to look intimidating, but failed when a girl just said 'don't be so mean'. "I'm just going to walk away now" the teen confirmed the girls. He could recognize some of the girls being from his school, one being Sooki another being Soul.

J continued to a different store up town so he could find better clothes. He heard there was a sale for baby things. J was getting very tired of carrying Sam, he needs to get a stroller or something. J walked into the uptown store. There he continued on is journey to buy clothes.

~back to this morning with Mrs. Okami~

Okami caught up with her daughter and husband just as they got on the bus.

"HUNNY, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITH THE MAGGOTS AT SCHOOL." Rowen asked Okami. "Yeah mom, what are we going to do?" Silly asked her mom too.

"My plan was for Rowen to call Taurtis, Grian, and Yuki out of class to distract them, while I tell the whole class the situation. Hopefully every thing will go well" Okami then sighed. "Please sit tight the train will be stopping momentarily". Okami Looked out the window of the subway train going over her plan to make sure that I definitely worked.

The family of three arrived at school, early enough to get ready and set up a classroom lesson. Everyone started coming into class, some students were gone. Jthestar, Yuki, and Ellen. She knew were J was, Ellen went somewhere to get a potion, and she doesn't know where Yuki was. Okami did the roll call, then Rowen pulled Taurtis and Grian out, she could hear her husband yelling at them to run laps for being late to class.

"Class I have very serious news, and no one must tell Taurtis, Grian or Yuki." Okami started. "Class, your classmate Ellen made a potion that turned Sam into a baby," Okami stopped to look at every ones faces.


Okami waited a bit longer for a response until she saw a hand shoot up.

"Um, yes, Dom?" Okami answered him. "Were is he?" Dom asked, he didn't live with is dad anymore so he had messy hair and ripped cloths. "He is, um, with J... shopping" Okami answered. "Now, Sam is about 10 months old, this saying he can barely walk, he is wearing a light blue shirt, and has his bunny ears. If you see him with someone you don't know I give you permission to take him away from the stranger. If he is with someone dangerous then contact me or Rowen." Okami had practically told them to be baby sitters.

Sooki raised her hand to ask a question, but she blurted it out instead. "I and soul saw J at a baby store downtown shopping with a really cute baby" sooki said "yeah I remember that too, Sooki" Soul said to her.

Chatter stated up about if they were going to be next and who was getting him last making a list of who would watch him. Okami was dumbfounded, the students took it so easily, that it was sickening. She hoped J, and Sam was ok.

~with J after shopping~

"I'm so glad I bought a stroller" J said to no one around. J was walking home with lots of bags of clothes in the bottom basket of the stroller. Sam had been biting on his new toy bear, drooling all over it. He was giggling and have a good time. J was exhausted, he just wanted to go home and go to sleep. J and Sam had stopped at the down town park, J had to give Sam his lunch, which is a small sandwich and a gogert he bought at a small convenience store down the road.

J was watching Sam trying to eat small bits of his sandwich, J also bought Sam a thing of orange juice. When Sam looked thirsty he gave him the carton of juice.

J had to admit he was having fun, but that fun would end, because a yakuza approached J. "you have a big debt young man" J stood in front of Sam, who let out a confused mumble. "Come back later, I'll have your money then" j said defensively. "If you don't have the money we will just take something of equal value" after the person said this, 5 more yakuza came out of the bushes.

"Dammit" J said.

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