chapter 13: when cthulu arrives..(?)

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[Warning: just..warning? I feel like I need warnings these days... but this'll be a ... different..chapter. have fun!] (Important note at the end)

Yuki was now slowly walking while wheeling J to Mrs Okami's house. She really needed either a diet, or she needed to kill more athletic people.

"Yuki, are you okay?" J asked looking back at the tired, insane girl.

"My.. junior.. Sam..." Yuki huffed out within heavy breaths.

"Oh Yuki, take a right" J pointed out, "we should be there once we turn the corner-" J preceded to scream once again as the fire burned yuki's soul once more with determination!

Yuki threw J and his wheel chair at the door, successfully breaking it off its hinges. Yuki took long, weighted steps into the once happy home. Her nails grew a few inches and her eyes became blood shot. And as if the insane part wasn't enough, Sam, Taurtis, Okami, Ellen, Silly and Grian aren't inside the home. Yuki straightened out her exaggerated pose into a simple slouch, her shoulders heaved a sad sigh.

"No one ever cares about me.." she mopped.

"Urg, Yuki.. please me" J said trying to pull himself back into his chair. Yuki stared at J then walked away head still held low.

"Yuki!" J yelled, Yuki blocked him out and went on a long silent walk around the small town.

"Do thy wish for power thou child?" Came an eerie voice from inside yuki's head. "No" Yuki said to herself. "I'm fine"

"Their is not such word as 'fine' thou child" the voice told her. "Power, it makes the world move, just call my name and you will get undeniable power!"

Yuki's eyes clouded with deceit her mouth hung open and she moved as if she was possessed.

"...cthulu.." Yuki said looking up to the sky, her tongue burned like she drank acid. Her eyes became bloodshot, like a wave of 10,000 years of sorrow. Her heart bested faster and faster until she felt like she was running to her best content.

Yuki started running faster and faster to someplace she did not know, all she could feel was the millions of pins in her legs as she ran.

"Find thy dark Prince thou child" came the voice again from inside her head.


"Oh Sam your so cute!" Taurtis said lifting Sam into The air giggling at Sam's cute laughter.

"Um Taurtis, don't you think it's kind of weird how your so close to Sam?" Grian asked from under a tree where he sat with Silly, Okami, and Ellen. "I mean, were just waiting for Ellen to rest and stuff so she can fix him"

"Sam's like my.. I don't know what! But Sam's mine!" Taurtis said with a big smile throwing Sam into the air then catching him. "Right Sam?" He said gleefully to the baby.

Sam laughed then screamed excitedly when he was caught by Taurtis then thrown back into the air.

"Be careful Taurtis, Sam is still just a baby" silly said warning Taurtis from his dangerous playing techniques. Silly sat back and watched Sam and Taurtis interacting. "So Ellen? Why did you want us to leave?"

'oh, well, Sam would have definitely been killed by accident from a crashing door at Okami's house from his supposed 'mother' and we could never see him again and then Yuki would transfer cthulus soul into the dead body of Sam and then Sam would kill us all and reign 10,000 years of war and destruction to earth killing humans and everything as we know it bringing hell literally to earth'

The baby named SamGladiator ( A SamGladiator fanfiction)❤Where stories live. Discover now