Valentine's Omake: salty chocolate(very late)

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"Sam loves me.. Sam hates me.. Sam loves me! Sam...hates me" Yuki finally said, plucking the last petal off of a rose. Tears welled up in her eyes, she looked at the naked flower stem, her hands shaking violently.

"Junior, I'm sure Sam loves mommy" Yuki sobbed she held baby Sam close to her chest, smoothing him against her flat chest.

Sam only became fidgety in return of the over dose of love.

"You love me right?" Yuki said looking down at her junior.

"No" Sam said. Yuki paused.

"What?" She asked the baby that stared at her.

"No" he said again. Yuki set Sam down gently, she got up slowly then all hell was released from its depths to come and rule over the earth.


Sam stiffened visibly from the screaming and yelling of yuki's threats. Sam screamed loudly, attracting people to come down stairs.

"Sam, you okay!?" Taurtis shouted, he practically jumped from the top of the stairs to the bottom, Landing on his face. Grian walked quickly out of the kitchen holding a chocolate covered whisk and wearing a pink and yellow apron.

"What's going on?" Grian yelled setting down his whisk and pulling off his apron. Yuki suddenly started tearing up again.

"Junior doesn't love me!" Yuki shouted wailing and heaving cries of sorrow.

"I'm sure you misheard him" Taurtis said. He walked up to Sam and one else down to the crying infant and picked him up.

"Hey Sam? Do you love me?" Taurtis asked Sam.

"No!" Sam screamed, beating his hands on Taurtis's chest. Grian could see Taurtis turn to stone, his body physically freezing in time and space. Tears welled in his eyes too. He let out a cry too, louder than yuki's.

"Sam! Why! I thought you loved me!" Taurtis cried. He gave Sam off to Grian, then went to cry with Yuki.

"You know Sam, it's not nice to say you don't love some one" Grian said, making a dissatisfied look at Sam.

"No!no!NO!" Sam screamed more, beating on grians chest too.

Grian sighed then looked at the two sobbing teens. "Guys, I think Sam just doesn't know how to say proper words yet".

"No! He knows, he knows how to shake his head and nod!" Yuki cried, looking up from her tissues.

"Urg, fine, Sam? do you love me?" Grian asked.

A pause went through the room. Then suddenly a loud "NO" echoed through the room.

One.single.tear was shed from Grian that valentines day.

Grian went up stairs and set Sam in his crib. "Your just crabby I bet?" Grian said in denial. "Get some rest, Ellen is coming over with J later"

Sam flopped over and still cried. Grian sighed at this went back down stairs to finish his chocolate with the sound of two heart broken teens. A few hours past and Sam still shouted at the top of his lungs, as well as two heart broken teens. Grian finished his chocolate and put them out for everyone.

"Alright guys, I made some chocolate for our lonely selves" grian said holding his plate of chocolate.

The bell rang before Yuki and Taurtis had the chance to maul Grian to death.

"Coming!" Taurtis shouted happily racing to the door. As soon as Taurtis opened the door he was bombarded with overflowing chocolate and stuffed bears.

"Most of that is for Sam" Ellen said flatly, she stepped over the buried Taurtis and wheeled in J with them. "So, have you guys been giving Sam his pain medication?" Ellen asked nonchalantly.

"What..medicine?" Yuki laughed nervously, "I thought those were poison pills?"

The cold, dead look Ellen gave the group of teens was that of disappointment, so much lose of trust and respect.

Ellen sighed and leaned of J's wheelchair. "If didn't have powers I'm sure I'd have killed myself or you guys by now" Ellen said in a heavy tone.

"Well, Sam is being put to bed for being disrespectful" Grian said putting his hands to his hips.

"Dont get sassy with me Grian, I can strangle you" Ellen hissed, "today is not a good day to be sassy!"

"Then make me!" Grian mocked to Ellen.

Ellen jumped at no moments notice, her arms stretched out to strangle the poor British boy.

"I swear to all the gods in the sky I will kill you!" Ellen yelled, suddenly, a golden flash. The light was bright and sparkly, it went and shone elsewhere that light was and was not shone.

"My lovely children do not fight, but love" a beautiful angel said, she had a golden halo above her bright golden hair. Her arms were open and light fell from her chest like and open window.

Ellen and Grian stopped midway to a punch to stop and awe the beautiful creature.

Yuki and Taurtis stared also. Their eyes sparkled like diamonds in buffing.

"I am here to take my new angel with me back to heaven" the angel said with a gratuitous smile upon her flawless face.

"Oh hell no! You ain't taking my junior!" Yuki screamed she jumped up and pulled on the angel hair, make the angels face cringe in pain.

"You me at mortal, how dare you touch a flawless being of heaven like me!" Spouted the angel.

"Well welcome to earth!" Yuki screamed still pulling and punching the angels now bruised and beaten face.

"I'm just going to um..go check on Sam...yeah!" Taurtis stuttered, moving quickly past the fighting duo. Taurtis could still hear Sam crying in his room all alone.

Taurtis walked up slowly to the crying infant and looked down sadly. He bent down and picked up an hugged the poor baby-bunny-human.

"I'm so sorry Sam! I left you alone on such an important day!" Taurtis apologised, small tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't love you back even though you don't love me, I realise now, that, even if you don't love me, that will never stop me from loving you!"

Sam stopped crying around when Taurtis apologised. Sam looked up with his giant chocolate eyes that could pierce souls. "I woov tatis!" Sam said loudly.

Tears enveloped Taurtis's face and he cried tears of happiness into Sam shoulder.

"I love you too Sam-"

"My new angle cannot love a mortal, they can only love me" a pistoff angel of heaven said. She dragged 3 teens by their hairs into the room, she had a bitter look in her face, then suddenly her face magically appeared fix again, just like new.

"Dont you love me? My little one?" Then Angel asked bending down and hovering over Sam.



".., what?" The angel said in shock and disbelief. "You don't... love me?" The angel choked out.

"How THAT!" The angle burst into tears. She wailed and rubbed her face with her hands, "YOUR SO MEAN! No angle like you can ever exist!" The angel protested, she whirled her giant white wings around herself and she was gone.

"I...hate..yo..u" Yuki said lifting her head slightly, she let her swollen face hit the floor, leaving a terrified J down stairs, 3 beaten up teens, a baby, and Taurtis still happy that Sam said he loved him.

[No words, I was to lazy, also the new fanfiction. But you know, I still made it course I love ya guys for getting me to at least past 5k reads! And I'm sorry this is ... (counting) 15-16 days late. I hope you still somehow like me? Gold stars!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟]

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