Miss Okami's chapter: Chapter 2: Miss Okami's family

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Miss Okami had been shopping with Rowan and silly, when she got a call from Ellen.

"Hey, Miss Okami, could please meet me at the park down town. And please don't tell anyone!" Ellen said in a hurry.

"Ok Ellen, but why may I ask?" Okami questioned.

"I'll tell you when I get there, ok?" Ellen answered. Ellen sounded like she was in a rush of some sort?

"Ok Ellen, see you there then". Okami ended her call only to be questioned by her husband Rowan what the call was about.

"What was the call about?",

"Oh, it was...um... a student who needed help on homework! Yes so I am going down town to help them". Okami quickly stalled her husband from further suspicion of her outing.

"Well ok then, BUT COME HOME QUICKLY CAUSE I CANT COOK" Rowan answered.

Silly was laughing behind them as she finished getting the food for tonight's dinner, looks like she'll be the one cooking tonight.

Okami had left the store before briefly telling silly, just in case to make a fourth bowl, and to put it in the fridge. Okami had left and was on her way to the train, she bought herself a ticket and waited for the train to open their doors. Once the door opened she sat up and walked in, but not before giving pufferfish Pete the ticket.

Miss Okami sat down in the front of the train, there weren't that many people on the train on a Thursday evening. The train arrived at the downtown station, Okami got off the train and walked to the park where she was to meet Ellen about an urgent matter.

Miss Okami walked into the park to find Ellen sitting at the top of the slide.

"Ellen what was it you wanted to tell me?" Miss Okami said to the girl atop the slide.

"One second ill come down Miss Okami!" Ellen answered, Ellen carefully moved as to not fall off the slide. While Ellen was climbing down Miss Okami moved to a bench and sat down, once Ellen was sitting next to Okami, Okami noticed something moving in her arm.

"May I ask what is in your arm Ellen?" Ellen merely looked onward at the moving object.

"it's a baby" Ellen whispered.

"A BABY!?" Okami yelled,

"Be quite! It's not even mine!" Ellen yelled with Okami.

"Then whose is it?" Okami questioned Ellen,

"It...its Sam" Ellen said to Okami,

"T-that baby is Sam!? Ellen why is Sam a baby!?" Okami yelled at Ellen.

"Miss Okami it's a long story! I just need you to watch him well I make a cure, ok?" Ellen was exhausted already from talking to Miss Okami.

"You have told other people, right Ellen?" Okami patronized Ellen.

"No I haven't Miss Okami, do you know what Taurtis, Grian or even worse, Yuki, would do to me if I told them their boyfriend or best friend got turned into a baby, they would skin me alive Miss Okami, they would skin me alive" Ellen retorted back

"don't be so sure Ellen, I am sure they would understand" Okami reassured Ellen.

"Thank you Miss Okami, but seriously, can you watch Sam for me while I go get stuff for a cure" Ellen said,

"Yes of course I can, you can trust me" as soon Okami said this Ellen shoved Sam into Okami's arms, she then left a note a bag and a wad of cash. Okami sighed and grabbed the things Ellen left, she first read the note that Ellen left her.

Dear Miss Okami,

Sam is a baby, this may be shocking but it was his fault, he ate my age soup. I left you his clothes and his hat. Please look after him, the exact amount of money I left you is 500 dollars. Buy him new clothes a bunny hat and a bear. Use spare money on his food. –Majo Ellen

"What a troublesome bunch of kids my students are" Okami said to no one.

As Okami walked back to her house she heard whispers and stares directed at her as she walked while holding Sam in her arms. Miss Okami walked into her house, she then looked at the clock to see it was 9:30 pm. 'Hopefully Rowan isn't awake, I can at least tell Silly about Sam I guess' Okami thought. Okami walked into her kitchen and found a spare bowel of spaghetti.

"At least I can eat it" Okami said out loud, when she turned around she saw Silly holding a glass of water.

"Hey mom, what are you holding?" Silly asked her mom.

"Well Silly, that's hard to answer, let's say it's one of your classmates, ok?" Okami tried her best to not say it was Sam or he was a baby.

"Ok mom, good night then" Silly bid her mom good night and went back to her room with her glass of water.

"Good night sweetie" Okami said to her daughter. Okami went to the spare room they have and put Sam on the bed. When she put Sam down he started to cry, very loudly.

Rowan came running into the room yelling "WHATS WRONG!"

"Hunnie it's ok, it's only Sam" Okami said in desperation to calm her husband.

"WAIT SAM? THAT MAGGOT IS A BABY NOW?" Rowan said in confusion.

"Yeah, it's a long story I'll tell you in the morning" Okami said tiredly.

"OK, BUT CAN WE MAKE HIM STOP CRYING" Rowan said as he went over a picked Sam up.

"BE QUITE MAGGOT" Rowan said to the infant. Rowen yelling only made it worse, which made Silly come down too. Silly tiredly went over to her dad and grabbed Sam, she then left to the kitchen. "Hey mom did the bag you had, have a bottle in it?" Silly questioned her mom.

"I believe so?" Okami answered her daughter. Silly went to the kitchen and made a bottle for Sam.

"Mom" Silly said. "We are not keeping him" Silly told her parents.

"I know that silly were just watching him" Okami countered.

"You know what? I'll just tell you in the morning, ok Sam is already asleep it seems" Okami said in desperation to drop the conversation and go to sleep. Silly nodded her head, got up and went to the spare room and put Sam to sleep. Okami and Rowan went to their room and went to sleep.

Then there was a cry 2 hours later 

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