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Jason P.O.V.

There was a scream. It ripped at the silence that settled in the Argo II. 

"What happened!?" I asked Piper. She was out of her room in a robe. Her choppy brown hair flew in front of her face... until she pulled it back with her hand. 

"I don't know, but it sounds like it's coming from the infirmary," she said. We ran towards the infirmary where the rest of the seven were. 

They were huddled over someone. 'Percy,' I thought. 

"What happened?" Piper asked. Annabeth turned around, her eyes were wide with panic. 

"It's Percy," her voice cracked. I crept closer to the cot. And then I saw her.

Percy's mouth was open in a silent scream. Her grey eyes were open, staring at the ceiling. Her hair was black... as usual but there was a lock of dark green hair and her legs were wrapped in some kind of vine with leaves. She was still. There was no sign of the slightest movement. 

"She's okay. She still has a pulse," Hazel said reading my face. I sighed. So did Piper. 

"What do we do? We aren't children of Apollo and it's not like Apollo is actually here," Frank said. 

Annabeth was silent. Then looked up at us. Her eyes were as stormy as ever. 

"Leo, set course for Camp Half - Blood... NOW!" she said. Her voice was deadly serious. Leo did a salute and rushed off. 

"Jason, bend the wind to make us go faster. Frank, take Piper and turn into any flying creature and go to Camp Half - Blood at top speed with the news. Hazel, stay with me," Annabeth instructed. 

Frank, Piper and I ran upstairs onto the deck. It was still dark, probably midnight. Frank changed into a dragon and Piper hopped onto his scaly back. They took off and disappeared almost immediately. 

I stood at the front of the hull and concentrated. I bent the wind to my advantage and sent them pushing the Argo II. Soon the air was biting at my face as the Argo II went 140 mph. 

"LAND HO!" I heard Leo shout through the wind. I looked over the deck and saw Camp Half - Blood. Frank and Piper where already at the border with some Apollo kids and Chiron. By the time we landed, a crowd was forming. It was still early in the morning and we might have woken people up.

I slowed down the winds and we landed smoothly. Once Leo parked and the engines completely stopped, I was already down on the ground. 

"Bring a stretcher!" I heard a voice call from above. Hazel was waving with her hand. 

Two Apollo kids rushed on board with a white stretcher. They went downstairs and in about..... five minutes they came back up with Percy lying on it. Her skin was pale and her fingers were twitching. Annabeth was right next to her murmuring words. 

Before I registered what was happening, they disappeared into the Big House. Piper walked over to me, face streaked with tears. 

"Do you think she'll be okay?" she whispered. I nodded. 

"She's strong, heck.. she's Percy Jackson! Hero of Olympus! Of course she'll make it," I said running a hand through her brown hair. I hugged her and we walked slowly, following Leo, Hazel, and Frank inside the Big House. 

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