Author's Note

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I KNOW UR READING THIS! DONT IGNORE ME. Ok im fresh out of ideas. Any suggestions? Literally, FRESH. OUT. OF. IDEAS. Ya so i could umm... really use the help in the messy story. In the meantime.... NEW STORY COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. for those of u who knows the tv show, Young Justice , its gonna be about Richard Grayson a.k.a. Robin. He is actually gonna be a lab expirement at cadmus. He gets insane from the expirements. Ill stop spoiling it now. Lol. And if u didnt watch the tv show, i recomend it. Its about superheroes. Anywayz, The first chapter will come out in May 18th. Doable? Ok.

And remember. SUGGESTIONS. COMMENTS. OK? ok.

O and...... uhh..... i sorta..... like.... changed my mind about epi. So only 1 page of epi then story finished!!! Yayyy!!!

BookwormTalents OUT!

~thank you bunny1692 for supporting~

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