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Percy P.O.V.

I was in a rowboat with Annabeth. We were drifting on the ocean. I looked around. Everything was shaded in bright, beautiful colors.

"Hey Seaweed Brain! Catch!" Annabeth laughed and threw me a volleyball. I have no idea why but I caught it and threw it back to her. Then all of a sudden the volley ball morphed into a knife and entered Annabeth's chest.

Right where the heart was supposed to be. She screamed and fell on the floor of the boat. I sat next to her and pleaded.

"Annabeth!! Stay with me! Please!" I yelled while shaking her shoulders.

"Your....... fault," and she went limp. I cried into her shirt.

Voices murmured around me.

"All your fault."

"You caused so much pain Persephone Jackson."

"Join us."

"Vengance on the gods."

I gripped my head. No no no NO!
"SHUT UP!" I screamed. I cried and sobbed. Tears dripped down my face.

"Rise with me Perssssssephone Jackson. We shall rule together. No more gods to control us noww," a sleepy voice said

I gasped. Everything was dark.

"Percy?" a voice said. Leo.

"GET AWAY!" I screamed. I tried to move but I couldn't feel my legs. I screamed out of pure terror and anger.

"What's wrong! What did you do!?" Footsteps entered the area.

"I didn't do anything! HONEST!"

"Percy! Listen to me!" Annabeth.

"NO NO NO! YOUR DEAD! ALL MY FAULT! GO AWAY!!" I screamed and punched at random places. Fortunately my fist caught a cheek and someone grunted.

"Jason! Frank! Hold her down!" I heard a voice say. It was Piper.
I felt hands grip my wrists. Tight.

"No no no no! Noo." I hiccuped. Then broke into a sob. I felt the arms release me. Then another pair of arms hugged me. They were soothing.

"What happened?" I heard hooves clatter on the floor.

"I don't know," Leo mumbled.

Then I gasped. There was a sudden urge to tell them something.

I will hunt you down at dawn. A voice whispered at the back of my head.

"Chi - Chiron," I breathed. It was awfully painful to talk but I tried my best. Unfortunately it was barely over a whisper. But fortunately Chiron heard me.

"What is it child?"

"Gaea. Attack. Dawn. Paralyzed."

"What does that mean?" Annabeth asked.

"I do not know," Chiron muttered.

I breathed quietly... so soft I didn't even hear it. Did it mean I was free? Free to go? Away from the war? No, I had to stay. But I could just go and pain would finally go away. But -

"ANNABETH! SHE'S SLIPPING," a voice screamed. Nico was here too?

"WILL!" I heard someone say but was to tired to know who.

The last thing I heard was "She's paralyzed. Waist down."

Then everything went silent.

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