Side Effects

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Percy P.O.V.

Ughhhh... my throat hurts..

I realized after a moment that I was in a cot, I think. Gah! I hate being blind. I can't see ANYTHING and I have to GUESS everything.

"Hey Percy... you feeling okay?" a girl asked. It took me a moment to register that it was Piper talking to me.

"Percy? Earth to Percy..." Piper said. I looked towards the voice.

"Percy? You don't look so good... and Chiron said that you have to come to the meeting," she said.

I tried to speak but nothing came out, so I pointed to my throat, I think, and fortunately she understood.

"Here," she said and handed me a glass of water. I drank it down greedily and set the cup on a table next to the cot.

"Can you stand?" Piper asked.

I swung my legs to the edge of the bed, hopefully, and luckily, I felt the cold floor against my toes. I waved my hand around until it found a hand. Piper's hand.

I was still weak and everything was sore but with the last of my strength, I pulled myself up. Almost immediately, an extra pair of callussed hands, I think, held my waist and I steadied myself.

"Whoa there, you're still drained ya know," a voice said. I recognized it from a mile away.

"Leo," I breathed. I swear he was smirking. I heard whispers and I felt Leo, I'm positive, lift me up and carry me outside.

I gripped his shirt and felt scared. UGH! I can't be scared! I'm the hero of OLYMPUS for gods' sakes. But, I have nooooo control over my emotions right now.

Leo gently lowered me down and I felt blades of grass against my feet. He eased my hand off him and grabbed my arm instead. He led me somewhere ..... the Big House?.... and I heard the creak of a door.

"It's 'k Perce, everything's fine. Chiron said you had to attend the meeting here," Leo whispered in my ear. I felt a tingling sensation in my chest. Whaa ....

"C'mon Percy," I heard Piper say and she led me toward a chair, my chair. She sat down next to me, I think. Her hand still rested on mine.

And that feeling? That tingling sensation? I just realized that it was because everyone was staring at me. Hey .. I'm blind but not DUMB!

"Okay, the meeting shall start.. Annabeth?" I heard a voice. Chiron.

"Okay, so just before Percy passed out, she said a prophecy. Just like our oracle does." Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Our oracle.

I heard tons of gasps. Just HOW many people were here!?!??! Then there was hushed whispers echoeing in the room.

"SILENCE!" Chiron said. Annabeth continued.

"The prophecy was like this, Cursed by the goddes - " someone cut her off.

"Of earth
Daughter of the seas shall decide
Wether to live or die
But makes a compromise
Shall she return when time comes
When the third war rises shall the traitor reveal
And the hero shall breathe one's last
But saved and lose what is important to the past ." Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Some people muttered.. AGAIN.

"How - how." I wish I could see Annabeth's face right now!!! If only she realized how dumb she was right now. OF COURSE Rachel would know the prophecy. SHE'S THE FRICKIN ORACLE!!!

"Hey, I'm the oracle. You can't expect me to not know a prophecy," Rachel stated. There! I couldn't have said it in a better way!

All of a sudden I felt like a metal rod with electricity stab my gut. I heard screaming. Wait, that's

"Percy! Percy! Can you hear me?!" I heard a frantic voice. I felt liquid pooling under my body against the floor. Wait ... when did I get on the floor!?

I heard someone shout orders. Annabeth screamed for an Apollo kid. And I passed out. I think I did................ I can't heard anything anymore. Still same ol' same ol' black.... eh, whatever. REDO! 3 2 1 ACTION! And I passed out.

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