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A/N since no one bothered to comment 'cept for bunny6192 ill just move on. And i am sooo sorry but i changed the prophecy... a bit. Here: Cursed by the goddes of earth
Daughter of the seas shall decide
Wether to live or die
But makes a compromise
Shall she return when time comes
When the third war rises shall the traitor reveal
And the hero shall breathe one's last
But saved and lose what is important to the past .

Ik soooo many 'shall's. But live with it. For me? I mightve tweaked the story plan i wrote in comments.


Third Person P.O.V.

Alpha had Lianna moved to the infirmary. She was unconscious for 4 days now and they were all losing hope.

To keep themselves busy, the campers started discussing the prophecy earlier.

Annabeth P.O.V.

Ok the prophecy said 'Cursed by the goddes of earth
Daughter of the seas shall decide
Wether to live or die
But makes a compromise
Shall she return when time comes
When the third war rises shall the traitor reveal
And the hero shall breathe one's last
But saved and lose what is important to the past.'

Percy was cursed with the nature powers and losing her water ability. Check

She decided that she would live, not die. Check

She makes a compromise, she become commander but stays paralyzed. Check

She returned when the time was right, the third war. Check

But the other lines didn't happen yet. Obviously Per - Lianna is .... was the hero but she's gonna die? Breath one's last? I shuddered at that thought.

I leaned against my chair, thinking about the lines when Malcom came rushing into the cabin, panting.

"What's wrong?" I said and gave him a glass of water... water. (She's thinking of Perce)

"Lianna, she's gone! She disappeared starting from the day she healed you!" He said. His face was flushed from running.

I gasped and started to get angry. How could Chiron not mention this!?

Together we ran to the Big House where a crowd of campers were forming.

"Calm down, we should have an explanation soon!" Chiron yelled over the noise. Then he gasped. As campers started to turn around they did the same.

I turned around and saw a holographic message open up. On the other side of the link was a woman with pretty features. I realized her the second I saw her. Gaea.

She grinned and gigled like a crazy school girl and started to dust of her dress.

"What do you want?" Danny stepped up. He looked fearless but I knew he was scared.. terrified even.

"Why, that was the first thin princess LIANNA said to me... or should I say PERCY? Hmm? Which do you think would be more suited for her?" She said and tucked her brown hair behind her ear.

"What?" Danny asked. His eyebrows were creased, confused.

"Enough talking. I don't have all day. Let's skip to the fun part."

The screen seemed to turn around and then what I saw made me nearly faint.

Lianna P.O.V.

I was kidnapped. That was pretty obvious by now.


I was barely concsious and didn't have the strength to move. After Chiron and Will left, a dark shadowy figure moved in through the shadows. He grinned with a crooked smile and muttered something about Gaea and pleased. I was so weak I didn't have the will power to turn towards him and see what he looks like.

The guy came up to me and revealed long sharp finger nails about..... 5 inches. And they were coated with liquid that dripped down his hand. Before I could realize what was happening and shout for help, he impaled me and I passed out.

When I awoke, I was dangling from the ceiling by the chains that connected to these cuffs around my wrists.

A woman with dirt colored hair and a green grass dress with a design of earth walked up to me. Ewwww her breath smelled like dirt. Then I realized who it was. Gaea.

"What do you want?" I spat at her.

She moved back a step then smiled. You know in high school those popular girls? They walk around and flirt with boys and give them cheesy smiles. Those kinds.

"Why, you've changed an awful lot," she hissed and started petting my hair.

She turned around and spoke to two titans that just appeared out of no where.

"Make sure she's broken. Completely," and she left. My eyes widened as the titans came closer to me. One was holding a long metal whip with spikes that held liquid. The other one was holding a long jagged sword that had a metallic smell to it. Gross.

They edged closer and thing 1 lashed out. He whipped me hard on my stomach... I lost count after 500.

After every lash I cried out and screamed until it was a mere whimper.

By the time thing 1 finished, I was barely able to look up. Just dangle there hopelessly.

Then thing 2 came up to me and inspected the wounds on my stomach. He grinned and jabbed the sword into my gut. I gasped and fell unconscious. The last thing the titan said to me was "No one will help you."

It repeated like a daily routine. And after a million attempts to break me, I gave up. And Gaea's minions did'nt hesitate to break me immediately when they saw I lost hope. I didn't cry out. I didn't pray to god after god. I didn't even try to wince when every lash bit tears had run out and my wings were ripped open, cut like a mere piece of paper. My hair became grimy and the golden streak became black, black like the endless pit of misery.

I overheard the titan say to Gaea, "We did it m'lady. The girl is broken."

Gaea walked up to me. I was still, limp like a dead dog.

She reached out a gripped my chin and lifted my head to meet her eyes.

Gaea P.O.V.

I lifted her head and met her eyes. They were dull grey and was blank. You could have thought that the girl was dead with her blank and glazed eyes. The only hint there was that she was alive was her body breathing.

I smiled. "Well done, you can leave," I said to my two children. They grinned and left the cell.

Lianna P.O.V.

She congradulated the two titans and then she started to circle me.

"Well, no hope for you now. How about we give your friends a visit? Surely they would be pleased to see their only chance in winning the war was gone. Child," Gaea whispered softly and cupped my head and made me look at her face. She grinned. "They used you sweety. Nobody cared for you. All they cared about was winning. They didn't care at all. Nope! Not Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Nico, Chiron, the Olympians, your team," she paused. "Leo."

Gaea snapped her fingers and these energy filled hoops appeared around me, trapping me inside.

"This will ensure me that you won't escape. The bars are made of powerful metal only I can find and remove from you. One touch and you WILL be dead. I swear," she giggled an irritating laugh.

*End Flashback*

"Now about that visit," she hummed.

Using her powers, Gaea opened up a little window and started greeting the campers. I tuned out and started to close my eyes. Free, at last. But noooo, Gaea had to interfere.

She turned the window towards me and I heard gasps. And now they realize? Have they not noticed I was gone for 4 YEARS!? And as if Gaea was reading my thoughts.

"My fellow campers, in this jail cell, 1 day would equal 1 year. Keep that in mind," Gaea said.

I heard gasps and someone very familiar spoke.


And Gaea disconnected the link. And we were alone. Her as the torturer and me as the prisoner. This was going to turn out great.

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