The Truth

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A/N i hope ya guy like the picture i drew above. I was like whoaaa i drew this?

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lianna P.O.V.

It was morning.

I got up from my large queen size bed and stretched. I glanced at the digital clock: 4:10 am

"Lianna! You awake?" Someone asked, knocking on the door.

"Yeah!" I said and Glimmer entered the doorway.

"Okay, we have to go down to the mess hall. I groaned and sunk back into the mattress.

"O c'mon. It's not that bad," Glimmer said. She helped me into my wheelchair and pushed it down a ramp to the first floor where the other Elite Team members were floating outside using their wings.

"Okay let's go," I yawned and then snuggled into my wheelchair.

"Wait, Lianna?" Glimmer asked me. Her hand touched my soulder. I looked up.

"I wanted to ask your permission to reveal my identity. Along with Beta," she said. I grinned.

"Of course! Permission granted," I cheered.

We all headed down to the Mess Hall. As we walked, seven people came up to us. Annabeth and Danny was one of them. I got confused. Danny wasn't part of the seven.

"This is Hazel, Frank, Leo, Jason, Piper and you already know Danny and me. We're part of the prophecy of seven. And Chiron, the camp director (A/N Dionysus was released and chiron took over) instructed that we show you around," Annabeth said. I looked closer and saw outlines of tear stains?

"I heard in stories that Persephone Jackson was part of the seven, not Danny Jones," I said formally.

Annabeth started to rub the back of her neck staring up. I could tell she was trying to keep tears away. Jason stepped up.

"Percy left after we.... said mean things to her and well, we realized that she was innocent and then the gods insisted that Danny should take her place," he said, his fingers were fumbling over each other.

"Leave, I do not need instructions or directions." They left to their seperate tables with heads down.

It was quiet and every camper was staring at us. I flicked my wrist upwards and a white table appeared with flecks of gold.

"Sit," I mind messaged each Elite Team member.

I wheeled myself to Chiron who was ALSO staring at me. UGHHH.

"Chiron," I addressed. He bowed hastily.

"Lady Lianna," he spoke.

"Yes yes. Two of my team members requested that they reveal their identities today. Can you make time before activites?" I asked.

"Of course my lady," he started. Then he turned towards the campers who were still STARING.

"Campers! Two of Lady Liann's team members want to introduce themselves today."

I gestured to Beta and Glimmer. They walked nervously up to the stage and took their time.

Beta P.O.V.

I walked up to the front with Glimmer. I saw Lianna next to Chiron, smiling. Her hands were resting on her lap holding a white flower. Behind her was Alpha, holding her wheelchair.

"I'm Glimmer but now, you can call me Silenna," Glimm- er - Silenna said as she pulled her hood down. The Aphrodite table and Clarisse gasped. New campers were confused and some were gaping. Then all eyes turned to me. Silenna gripped my hand and squeezed it.

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