Misfit Commander

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Chaos P.O.V.

A flash of light appeared in the middle of the ceremonial room.

As the light faded my Elite Team of highly and I mean HIGHLY trained soldiers were standing with a girl in a wheelchair.

The Elite team is one of my teams of assassins/soldiers who basically are the top of my army. So in the Elite team has 5 people who I took pitty on and raised from the dead:

Alpha - 2nd in command a.k.a. Luke Castellan

Huntress - 3rd in command a.k.a. Zoe Nightshade

Glimmer - a.k.a. Silenna Beauregard

Shadow - a.k.a. Bianca di Angelo

Beta - a.k.a. Charles Beckendorf

Ahhh I bet you are wondering who is 1st in command. Otherwise know as the commander of the Elite team and the entire army. Shhh it's a surprise.

"My lord Chaos, we have succeeded in our mission. This is Persephone Jackson.... though she prefers Percy," Alpha, 2nd in command said.

"You did well," I congradulated Alpha.

Alpha P.O.V.

The entire Chaos army was in the ceremony room, circling the Elite team, Percy and Chaos. Let me explain.

Every soldier has wings... like angel wings. The beginners have pure white, the more advanced have dark grey or grey, if they aren't that advanced. As a soldier becomes more skilled, their wings get darker. The highest rank of wings are night black. And the only ones who have those wings are the Elite Team (us).
We have around 600 soldiers in the Chaos army... including the E team.

I looked at Percy. She changed so much. But how in the world did she end up in a wheelchair? And with green hair, grey eyes, and vines up her legs?

"Percy Jackson welcome," Chaos said.

"Who are you?" She asked sharply. Her hands were white against the armrests.

"I am Chaos, creator of the universe and I want to know if you would like to be the commander of my army and my adopted daughter? I have seen you suffer with betrayal and I want you to leave the past behind and make a new future with us," He said. Wow! She gets to be his daughter? No fair. Ah... she is powerful though...

"But - But I'm blind, paralyzed. I even lost my water powers and have the ability of Gaea which I don't even knoe how to use," she whispered. She gripped her dress.

"But I'll do it. As long as my mind is off something," she said.

"Good choice. As for you disablities, those will be taken care of in different ways. Uh, you'll see. Now you'll feel a little pain when you recieve your wings and powers," Chaos said. He lifted his hands and a dark ball of energy formed and he blasted it at Percy.

Dark mist surrounded her and when the mist faded her face was calm. Deadly gorgeous. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.

Her fists tightened and her teeth were clenched in pain. Her face, however, was monotone. And not a single sound was uttered. Whoa. What happened to her?

Soon, her hands relaxed she visibly sighed in relief. Behind her wings started to sprout. And would you believe it!

Her wings were dead black. But anyone could notice the golden flecks that were scatter on her wings. And you could see flames, the ocean, the earth and sky and the shadows mixed together like a vision.

"Whoa," I muttered. But Chaos seemed unfazed.

"Percy Jackson is the legendary angel that was written in history. The legend says that this particular angel has the power over the elements such as water, fire, air, and earth. But she also has all the powers of me and Void combined. It is told that she is the most powerful being in the universe," Chaose stated casually. I gasped and so did the entire army.

"Percy, I name you my daughter! Heir to the throne of the universe! Commander of the Chaos army and the Elite team!" Chaos said and he snapped his fingers. A tiara laced with golden leaves and flowers appeared on her head. I noticed the tiny smile on her face. I grinned.

"Now the Elite team, 2nd in command is Alpha, or Luke Castellan. 3rd in command is Huntress, er .... Zoe Nightshade and the soldiers are Glimmer, Sillena Beauregard; Shadow, Bianca di Angelo; and Beta, Charles Beckendorf (*AHEM*) oh uhhh, Beckendorf," Chaos said.

Percy had a full grin on her lips. She opened her arms and Silenna reacted instantly, jumping on her.

"Oh I missed you!" She squeeled. Everyone greeted her like old friends even me.

"Luke," she said and grabbed my hand.

"They think of you as a hero, ok?" She whispered.

"Ok." I nodded. She let go of my hand.

"Percy, you can now see outlines of every object or person around you using your powers now. As for your legs, you can -"

"No. I can live with it. Okay? Or else I'm leaving," she growled. Chaos nodded furiously. She sighed and giggled.

"C'mon take me to my room," she tugged Silenna's arm. Silenna laughed and took her away chatting continously.

"Alpha, team," Chaos said. We nodded. Chaos hated people bowing... so formal he says.

"Take care of her. She is now my daughter," he said. We all nodded and left to our seperate rooms.

Percy P.O.V.

I wonder how my life's gonna be as a misfit commander.

(A/N percy and the soldiers of Chaos are all immortal. Jason, Nico, Annabeth, Clarisse, Will, Katie, and the other councilers of each cabin are immortal as gifts from gods ok?)

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