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10000 years later

Percy P.O.V.

I changed my name to Lianna.... officially. Not a nickname, not a code name, my NAME name.

And ever since I received my titles, my appearance changed, permanently. But for some reason when I look in the mirror, I can actually SEE the colors on me. But everything else was black except for a white outline of each object or person.

My face was hollow and so pale that it was close to white. My body was thin but muscular and my hair was pure white with a streak of gold that curled around my shoulder blades. The only thing I couldn't change were my eyes. They were still plain grey. But if you looked closely, you could see the pain I felt over the years.

I always wore a creamy white, loose dress that went to my ankles with sleeves going down to my elbows. It was like my trademark.

I changed. Persephone Jackson died ages ago. Now, I'm Lianna Chaos, princess of the void, heiress to the throne of Chaos. I was the best, and I mean the BEST fighter known in the last thousands of years. I am the commander of the Elite Team and the army of Chaos. I am the most powerful being in the universe. And I realized that Persephone Jackson was weak.

"Hey Lianna! Chaos wants to see you in his throne room," Silenna said, popping her head into the doorway of my room.

I sighed and looked in my mirror. I pulled back my hair and tied it with a hair tie. I wheeled (A/N wheelchair, paralyzed.. remember?) myself towards my desk and tugged my tiara on. Father would want it.

I sighed again and wheeled myself out of my room where Silenna took over, pushing my wheelchair the rest of the way.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked. I nodded. My fingers were fidgeting over each other.

We entered the throne room where Chaos was sitting in a throne made of obsidian. Next to it was a smaller throne made of flowers. I knew it was all pure white because I told my father to make it that color.

"Ah, Lianna," he said and came over to hug me. I smiled.

"So, why did you call me?" I asked. I looked around and saw the Elite Team standing off next to the doorway looking tense.

"I - uhh ... wanted you and your team to go off into a mission that would require the army later on,"

I raised my eyebrow.

"You see, Gaea and Kronos are rising and they are working together this time. And the gods need all the help they can get so I offered. So you have to train Camp Half -"

"You WHAT!?" I screamed. I summoned vines that wrapped around my waist and lifted me up to Chaos' face.

"I'm letting you go this time but the next time you order me around to go to that STUPID Camp I will NOT hesitate to ruin this castle that took a few hundred CENTURIES to BUILD!" I spat. And then I sat back in my wheelchair and wheeled myself off. The Elite Team followed.

"Guys, get ready. Meet back in the throne room in 5," I said and went to my room.

I sighed, running a hand through my white hair. I stared at the diamond ring on my right ring finger. It was a gift on my first year on Chaos planet. It was a beautiful fragile diamond with a golden band the had designs of leaves and flowers etched into it. And you could see my name delicately carved within the band.

I reached for my backpack and stuffed in a few things and hung it on the side of my wheelchair. Then I left my room towards the throne room where I noticed all members of the E - Team were there waiting for me.

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