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Lianna P.O.V.

I was finally the queen of the Void. Father agreed once I came of age. When I became queen to rule by my father's side, I was given the ability to walk again.

I wore a white tiara and a creamy white dress..... yes I'm barefoot. My hair reached my hip in curls.

"Your majesty?" A guard passed by. I nodded and walked down the hall towards a white portal.

It was a permanent portal so I could travel between Camp Half Blood to here. The borders of the portal were laced with white vines and pure white roses.

I took a deep breath and stepped through. I haven't been to camp in more the six months. I was anxious.

As soon as I stepped through the portal I was welcomed by the smell of grass and flowers and surprisingly, a touch of honey.

"Hey! Long time no see!" Annabeth was walking up the hill towards me along with the rest of the seven, all alive, thankfully.

"You were almost late to the meeting in Olympus!" Piper squeaked. I giggled.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," I said. We walked down the hill towards the big van in which Apollo was driving. 

"C'mon ladies we're late!! Oh hey there Lian!" Apollo greeted us and tapped his wrist quickly before shoving us through the door. 

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Third Person P.O.V.

It was dawn. And boy did I love dawn. I was walking by the beach where I used to go, when I was Percy Jackson.

I looked down at the waters and smiled. I guess it was a good thing I forgave the gods and the camp. Yeah, I guess so. 

I heard footsteps padding my way. I looked up and grinned.

"So if it isn't the Prince Charming I was waiting for," I said, standing up to face him. 

"What? Oh nah~ I'm no prince charming..." Leo blushed, scratching his neck.

"Well... I think you are," I whispered, tracing my finger on his neck.

"So, what do you think? A happy ending to end it all," Leo sighed gazing at the endless sea.

"Wait.. back up! The ending!?" I asked.

"Well... yea. I mean the wars are over and the bad guys went down like BAM and stuff sooo," Leo said. 

"But that's just the beginning you dope!" I giggled and slapped him.

"The beginning of us," I said more softly, and kissed him. And fortunately he kissed back until......


"WHAT!? COME BACK HERE!" I screamed and ran after the person who turned out to be Nico. Never thought of him to be so romantic and Cupid like. Well... as lovely as Cupid could get. 

"WHEN I'M THROUGH WITH YOU MAN YOU'LL REGRET IT!!!" I heard Leo shout and then jump after him. Typical Leo...

Narrator P.O.V. (LOL)

And that my friends.  is the END. or IS IT!?

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