Newbie who's a Piece of Gold

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Annabeth P.O.V.

It was so hard seeing Percy struggle like this. But when Will told us that she was paralyzed waist down, tears started slipping down my cheek.

Once the Apollo kids got Percy stable, they said I could stay with her.

I sighed as I stared at Percy's fragile form. Her skin was pale.... paler than Nico's. Her cheeks were sucked in and her eyebrows creased in pain. Her oxygen mask fogged up everytime she exhaled.

I gripped her small hand and whispered.

"Come on Percy. Don't give up now." I got up and walked away as soon as the dinner bell rang. I shut the door and rubbed my eyes from exhaustion.

"Hey Annabeth!" Piper called. I waved and she came up to me.

"How's Percy?" she asked.

I nodded my head. She frowned.

"Oh gods, you look tired," she paused. "And don't worry about Percy, I'll stay with her tonight." She walked away to the Aphrodite table and I sighed.

I took a plate of food and sat down at the Athena table. Malcom sat next to me with his own plate.

"Everything okay?" He asked. I nodded. He nodded slightly and moved away and started talking with my other half siblings.

Suddenly there was a scream. And it came from the borders.

I ran up to the hill with many other following. I could make out a teenager.. 15 or 16 years old?

He had a small knife in his hand and lashed out at.... oh my gods, a HELLHOUND. I reached down to get my knife but by the time I looked up, it was gone.... a pile of dust formed on the grass.

I looked at the boy. He had nice features. Raven hair, like Percy, and beautiful blue eyes. Like the ocean.

I walked up to him as a crowd formed behind me. I held up my hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Annabeth Chase," I said. He shook my hand.

"Danny Jones," he said.

Then everyone gasped. An ocean blue trident symbol appeared over his head.

Chiron cantered up to us.

"Well it seems Percy will have a new room mate," he says, amused.

"Who? What?" He asked bewildered. I laughed.

"C'mon I'll tell you everything." We walked down the hill and I told him about the greek gods and how they were real. How Percy was the hero of Olympus and the wars. And that he was Poseidon's son. Including the camp's rules and the games we play here like Capture the Flag. His face looked expressionless as I led him to the Poseidon Cabin.

"You'll be staying here with another girl, your half sister, Percy. She has a few ... complications so until she's better your alone, ok?" I said pointing to the cabin.

He nodded and went inside.

I thought to myself. Percy said something about an attack at dawn? Maybe the hellhound was what she meant. Soon I went to the Athena cabin and went to bed to a dreamless sleep. Thank the gods.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Third Person P.O.V.

As the weeks let on Percy was finally out of the infirmary and in a wheelchair. Nico helped her do stuff.

About a couple months later there was an announcement. And surprisingly Poseidon, Zeus and Hades were there. Everyone immediately bowed to them.

"I want to make an announcement!" Poseidon said. Everyone became silent.

"Danny Jones, my son, has been the best swordsman I have ever seen. Unlike Percy Jackson I adore Danny so much I shall give him the title of the Hero of Olympus!!!" Everyone muttered excitedly. "As for Percy Jackson... I now DISOWN her!"

Everyone cheered as Danny walked up to the stage and bowed.

"Thank you all. I always knew I was special! I will do my best to protect Olympus and Camp Half Blood as long as I live!!" He said proudly.

Meanwhile Percy listened to every word. Even though she was blind she knew that no one likes her anymore. She heard the lies Danny spread about her making him more popular and famous to get the glory. But she didn't feel any emtion.

"Nico, take me to Cabin 3," she whispered softly to Nico who sat beside her. After alm this time Nico always knew that Percy was a hero unlike the horrible stuck up Danny.

He nodded and pushed Percy's wheelchair to Cabin 3. They entered and Percy gave a sigh.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Percy P.O.V.

I asked Nico to leave. I needed some alone time. Being disowned right away could be hard to process all at once.

After about.... I have no idea ..... 2 or 3 hours? I gave up. I called Nico in and he took me out the the campfire. I was silent. But no one cared for all I knew.

"Hey look! It's Percy the stuck up disowned girl!" Someone shouted. I braced myself.

I heard footsteps coming closer to me but I didn't bother to flinch.

"What are you doing at MY campfire?!" A voice asked. Danny.


"YEAH! I'M PROTECTOR OF CAMP HALF BLOOD!" he said proudly. Everyone cheered on cue. I nodded slowly.

"Too chicken to say anything?" He asked and chuckled, poking me on the cheek.

He walked away laughing and continued talking about how bad I was. I felt pressure on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Nico whispered. I nodded quickly.

Ten minutes passed and a howl ripped through the air. Everyone became quiet.

One by one everyone crept towards the borders. Hey I'm not that dumb.

I fingered my pen, Riptide, and waited. Even though I was blind and paralyzed and being teased didn't mean I shouldn't stop being loyal to my...... 'friends'.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Danny screamed and I heard the cries of monsters as they disintegrated. For a moment I heard cheers of victory. Then I heard a sniff.

While I was blind my other 4 senses .... upgraded. My sense of hearing, smell, touch, and taste got 10 times better.

Nobody else heard the sniff though. Cheers kept sprouting everywhere as I tried to find where the noise came from. Then...

"(insert howling noises)" I froze. So did everyone else. Why did it feel like something was next to m- OWWW!

I felt something sink into my shoulder. I reached up and felt liquid.

"PERCY!" Nico screamed. I felt drowsy but I had to do this.

I pulled and uncapped Riptide and started listening.


I swung Riptide towards the noise. It touched with something. So I kept slashing until another howl was distributed. Then silence.

I felt a tug on my fingers. Suddenly I felt rope-like material wrap around my shoulder wound like gauze. Then I passed out sensing no more.

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