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Annabeth P.O.V.

The screen disappeared. It was quiet for a few minutes.

I collapsed to the floor. I brought my hands to my face and tears leaked from my eyes.

How could this happen in the first place. To me, to Percy.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Danny. Danny did this. HE turned EVERYONE against her.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. I stood but didn't turn towards him.

"You're sorry? SORRY!? Percy was the Hero of Olympus, she killed thousands of monsters and she was always loyal to us, her friends, her family no matter what. She was stupid in her battle plans but they worked! Percy was deserving MORE THAN ANY OF US," I turned and jabbed my index finger at him.

"AND YOU TURNED US ON HER! YOU SPIT LIES AT US AND HAD US BELIEVE YOU! WE BETRAYED PERCY! PERSEPHONE BLAKE JACKSON, WHO SAVED OUR LIVES NOT ONCE BUT TWICE IN TWO WARS! SHE ENDURED MORE THAN ALL OF US!!" I screamed. "And now, she's emtionless, like a robot. A hollow person. No feelings, nothing. She's broken. Broken." I sobbed and fell to the floor. Piper caught me and wiped my tears.

"She's right. You did turn us from the real Hero. You're just a fraud Danny. Just another person wanting attention," Jason said. He helped Piper and me up. Piper walked me towards my cabin.

"Are you okay?" She asked me. There was no charmspeaking in her voice.

"No, Per- Lianna is captured and she's being tortured. How do you think I feel!?" I started crying again and banged the table next to me.

"I am so sorry, we'll get her back. I promise.

Jason P.O.V.

Danny ran a hand through his short black hair.

"I - I'm so sorry," he whispered.

I looked at him, stunned. The way he looked right now, I saw guilt. Guilt, like when I was jealous of Percy time day we met.

* Flashback*

I was sick! SICK! At camp it was all Percy this and Percy that. Percy THIS AND THAT!

Me, Annabeth, Piper and Leo were on our way to Camp Jupiter. Camp Jupiter. I wondered what it would be like being back after a couple months.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I looked up at the sky and thought about Percy Jackson. She sounded so perfect. So brave and strong. From all the stories the campers kept telling, I felt so small and .... I don't know, weak compared to her.

"Hey guys! We're gonna land soon!" Leo shouted from the control center. Annabeth entered from the staircase and onto the deck next to me. We were silent as the Argo II sailed through the sky. The wind stung my face like I was a stranger, a trespasser to this domain.

"What's she like?" I asked.

Annabeth P.O.V.

"What's she like?" Jason asked me. I pondered for a moment.

Percy was a lot of things. She was funny in a non humorous way, skilled (best swordsman I've seen), understanding, brave, and stupid. I smiled.

"She - she's the most interesting person I've ever met. The most friendliest and stupidest." I giggled.

Jason's face darkened. "Oh." Then he stormed off. I shrugged and stayed at the rails. The wind welcomed me like a loving person.

Jason P.O.V.

Even Annabeth talks about her like that. Ugh!

"Hey, Jason?" I looked and saw Piper standing at the doorway. She smiled and said, "We're here! Come on, the view's great." I felt my lips tug upwards. I couldn't say no to my beautiful girlfriend.

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