Chapter 22

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I snooped around a little bit, not to be rude. Just getting to know him better. There was a key holder with hundreds of keys around a loop. All with numbers on them. It sat right by the front door.
"Hungry?" I jumped and put the key ring back. I bet these are for all of the rooms of his house.
"Yea. You don't have to cook, it's ok..."
"Yea, we can go out! Maybe, shop together and eat out."
"Alright..." He put a shirt on and grabbed his car keys.
"I'll go get ready then take you to your house...I mean, you look great, but,"
"Thanks." I sat down and he turned the tv on.
"Anything you want on?"
"Fresh prince of bel air" I said. He laughed and turned it on.
He came out looking snazzy. A blue polo and jeans. Casual, yet fancy as hell. I looked down at my makeup smeared white shirt. Well, his white shirt.
"Hot." He said. I rolled my eyes and we went to his car. I got in, and crossed my legs. Sitting down with only a tee shirt on, looks a lot shorter than usual. I pulled it down to cover my knees and he got in.
"Ready?" I smiled and accepted. He put it in drive and we took off. All of the air in my body left me and I felt almost dizzy. I let out a airy scream and I felt myself push against the seat.
"Ryan!" I looked at the gauge, 86 mph. Luckily, he had a long driveway. He made it to the main road and slowed down, only to pick up and go 100 mph. I screamed this time and all I could hear was him laughing. In the corner f my eye he was watching me. So intensely. Then, he slowed down and I caught my breath.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I said. I meant it.
"We could have crashed!"
"I know how to drive...I'm good at riding things....especially the road." I looked out my window. Watching the trees fly by.
I got to my house and left the door open for him. He looked around my house.
"Wow. This is nice!"
"Thanks..." I went to my room and got some clothes ready for the shower.
"Go ahead and turn the tv on, I'll be out in 10 minutes." He nodded and sat down.
I was all done up, nice makeup, a nice dress, and matching shoes, my hair was straightened I felt pretty good.
"Ready babe?" He said kissing me.
"Yup." I closed the door and we got in the car.

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