Chapter 54

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I held my breath walking past his office. I wasn't even paying attention. I was talking to myself. Keep my cool. I walked into my office closing the door behind me. Locking it. I put my hand over my heart. I set my bag in my chair and sat at my desk. Before I could even turn my computer on, there was a knock at my door. No. No No. I sat at my desk tapping nervously with a pen, maybe they will leave. Maybe it's not important. But there was 3 more knocks. I sat up, wanting to look out the blinds but I couldn't. My hand landed on the cool door handle and I opened the door. Mr.collins was at my door. He was holding an envelope.
"Little shooken up? Have to much to drink last night?" I gave him a "are you kidding me?" Look and shut the door. That was rude. I didn't even notice Ryan. Was he here today? His car was here. Was he minding his business in his office? I opened the envelope sitting at my desk. Just a stupid notice about a company picnic. Nobody was required to go. But I was invited. I threw it in the garbage. Throwing it straight into the can. I rolled my eyes walking to my supply closet to get a garbage bag. I opened the door.
"Good morning." Ryan said walking out. Seeing him walk out of the door made me think of a horror movie. Where they are hiding in the closet and the light from the crack is shining on their face.
"Why didn't you meet me? Why didn't you listen. I told you not to avoid me. To be honest with you babe, I'm confused as to why those directions were so hard for you to understand." He grabbed onto my hands. I tried to break free but he was too strong.
"Don't try and break away. I've been having mixed thoughts Amber. What are we?"
"Nothing. We are dead in terms of a relationship." I wanted to spit in his face like they do in the movies.
"Go ahead, spit in my face." I looked at him. What the hell?
"I know everything about you Amber. And there's no use in trying to leave me. Now that-" he went and locked the door, dragging me with him with only one hand. No, I wasn't that weak. He was that strong.
"The doors locked. I want you to spit in my face."
"No?" I said disgusted. He held tighter onto my wrists.
"I said, I want you to spit in my face." I was wanting to scream.
"If you scream, we will jump out that window." Oh my god.
"Are you crazy Ryan? That would kill us."
"And we would still be together." He held onto my wrists again.
"Now spit in my face. Or scream." He said.

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