Chapter 51

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Grace pulled out of her driveway. And headed for my house. The rides back and forth between each others houses was nice. We drive past the beach. And the sun was just about down. Sometimes, the sunsets would honestly take your breath away. They were to pretty. The clouds were pink or orange. The sky was just a creamy color of the rainbow and the water reflecting it made it look like a painting. It really would make you say "Wow" in amazement.
We pulled into my driveway and I walked inside the vacant house. Being here was weird and made me uncomfortable. I walked straight to my room and pulled out clothes from my closet. I got goosebumps thinking of how many he'd taken that I haven't noticed. And never would I wear my favorite perfume again. I picked out Just a blue top and grey work pants. I picked out shoes to match and I walked straight out. I exhaled and headed for the door.
"Wow." Grace said quietly.
"What?" I stopped in the middle of my living room.
"You really hurt him didn't you?" She said staring at a piece of paper in her hand. I started shaking my head walking over to her. It was a regular piece of lined paper. No writing until the middle of the page. There was only 4 words
"She broke my heart."
I had the note in my purse to show to Taylor. We were home and I was laying in bed. I was staring at the wall. Thinking of every moment of my life with Taylor. And every moment with Ryan. I've known Taylor for over 10 years. But at first, the connection with Ryan was strong. As my eyes closed, I heard grace walk in.
"Amber...psst. Are you awake?"
"Yeah? What is it?"
"Taylor is calling you..."
"Why do you have my phone anyway?" I asked laughing.
"Hello?" I said gruffly.
"Hey...are you asleep?"
"Isn't the answer obvious? I'm talking to you..." I said laughing.
"I know. Sorry, I just wanted to say I had fun. I love you and good night."
"Awe. Thanks Taylor. I had lots of fun. I love you too."
"Ok bye.."
"Bye." I laughed and hung up. Falling asleep within minutes after putting my phone on the nightstand.
When I woke up, I had about an hour until until I had to get ready, so I got out of bed, yawning and stretching. Making weird noises like everybody does when they stretch. I went to the bathroom, took a quick shower and got a bowl of cereal. Full house was on, so I sat and watched that for a while until the sun came up. When it did, grace got up making toast.
"How are you feeling?" She asked.
"I'm nervous...what if he tries to kidnap me grace?"
"You're the strongest and smartest person i know. You can make it through the day. After today, Ryan will be taken care of. And you can live your life with Ryan. Don't work yourself up. Just act natural."

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