Chapter 31

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Suddenly, he stood up, his chair hitting the side of the wall. He walked over and held his hand out. Confused, I took it and he lifted me to his height.
"Follow me..." Every step I took made my whole body tingle. This wine might have had lots of alcohol or something. I wasn't feeling right. But what happened next I didn't even control.
He threw me on the bed eager to take me, he let me undo his pants and his boxers. He was free now, He stripped me down and held onto my back tight.
"Are you ready?" He asked inches from my face.
"Yes." I whispered.
I woke up the next morning. It wasn't like the last morning I spent here at all. Something was very wrong. I felt weird. I got up. It was still dark out. It was storming. Thundering and raining. His house was so big and every step my barefoot foot took echoed eerily. I made it to the kitchen and awkwardly sat on his cold couch. No lights were on. I was wearing the lingerie he picked out and a dark blue shirt I didn't recognize. I felt like crying. Everything went wrong. So wrong. I didn't want that. I wasn't ready. I'm not ready for this. It was all flooding back and I felt sick to my stomach. I was about to puke all over his expensive rug. I ran to one of the bathrooms closest to the living room. I puked all of my brains out in that toilet. Over and over. My head was staring to hurt. The hair that was slipping into the toilet slowly scooped up in somebody's hands. Ryan was behind me. He held my hair back. I felt even more uncomfortable than before. I stood up, straightened the shirt and walked out.
"I-I'd like to go home." Turning around in the middle of his living room, he was wearing sweatpants and had a look on his face like last night. My tongue lifted like I was gonna get sick again.
"Leave? You're sick! Cmon I'll make you soup."
"I'm fine. I just want to go home..." I held my stomach and went to the bedroom to grab my clothes. He followed me. When I turned around he held me into a hug. A real hug where my face was in his chest but my arms were stuck to my sides. I breathed in his smell which made me feel better. But I wasn't in the mood for a hug. I got out of his reach and went to the living room slipping my heels on.
"Hey? It's can stay?" He said coming back out. I got even more nervous when he walked out. I was about to have a breakdown.
"Ryan please...can you take me home?"
"Can I ask why?"
"Because I want to sleep and, take medicine."
"We were up all night huh?" He laughed and flashed a smile that made me weak. But it also made me more confused.
"Well, I can't have you waking around the streets looking that good. In those clothes? Only I see you like that." I pursed my lips and turned around before he could see me start crying. I wanted to go home. I can't believe I did that with him. I wasn't ready. I knew him a month. I've never met his family. I don't know anything about him barely. He walked over and opened the door. I walked out and got In the passenger seat. The leather was just as cold as his couch. He got in and headed for my house. I was siting as close to the door as I could. As soon as he pulled i got out. Walking to my door and unlocking it with my set of keys. I turned around and he was on the top step.
"Thanks for dinner."
"Is everything okay?"
"I'm fine..." I guess I let more than just a couple tears go. He shook his head.
"What? What is it? Wasn't last night perfect?" His last words mumbled and he smiled looking down at me.
"I-I wasn't ready Ryan." I whispered.
"What?" He said in a weird tone of voice.

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