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                   Matt x reader

Three years. You had been hanging with the eddsworld crew for three years. Five months you've been with Matt. Everyone seemed to be annoyed by his self involved ways and being narcissistic. But you saw through him. He was a very smart, sweet, talented, charming, and loyal, you couldn't ask for more. Could you?
Currently you were sitting upside down on the couch, bored out of your mind. Edd and Tom had left to hang out with other friends, while Tord had gone to have a little visit in Norway. It was just you and Matt, perfect. "Hey (y/n), watcha up to?" Matt chimed happily as he entered the room. You perked at your boyfriend and sat up quickly. "Uh well, nothing exactly, I was hoping maybe you had something in mind for tonight? Edd and Tom won't be home for a while.." You trailed off. You had seen Matt shirtless and it was a very enticing sight. He seemed to be a little too innocent though, for your lustful wants. Matt thought for a moment and smiled, getting an idea. "Well we can crash in my room and watch a movie!" He suggested. You nodded eagerly and hopped from the couch, taking his hand and leading him to his room. He chuckled at your eagerness but followed along quickly, debating on what movie. Entering his room he shut the door out of instinct and watched as you went through his movies. Awkwardly, you ended up pulling out two movies that stood out. "Matt... Why is there a Matt on Matt action movie?" You questioned with an awkward blush. "A-and Fifty Shades of Gray?!" You blushed more as well as him. He took them from you quickly and put them in his bedside drawer. "W-well the Matt on Matt thing was a joke... A-and I watched Fifty Shades of Gray to... Tolearntopleaseyoubecauseihavenoexperience!" He blurted. You're blush didn't seem it could get darker but it did. "Matt.. That's sweet.." You said and looked up at the tall adorable ginger. You brought him close, arms around his neck, and pecked his lips. His hands made their way to your hips and he stared into your (e/c) orbs with his own sparkling blue ones. "(Y-y/n)... M-may I..?" He asked softly, curious but scared. You nodded gently in approval. He brought his hands just below your ass and lifted you, causing your legs to wrap around his waist, and arms staying around his neck. He brought you to the bed and laid you down, quickly stripping off his hood and shirt while he hovered above you. Your eyes glazed over with lust and your mind went wild as you stared at his surprisingly toned body. He wasn't as stringy as many believed him to be. Matt's hands went to the hem of your shirt and tugged it off, leaving you in a (f/c) lace bra. He admired your (big/average/small) breasts, eyes full of love and passion. You blushed and covered your chest but his hands took yours gently and pulled them away. "(Y/n) your beautiful, please, don't hide from me.." Hearing a compliment like that from Matt was  a surprise, yes he complimented you, but this was in a whole new level. You nodded gently and trailed your hands down his chest, bring him into another kiss. He returned it and found the clasp of your bra, taking it off and tossing it aside. His hands gently made their way to your breasts and groped the experimentally. He toyed with your sensitive buds and moved from the kiss, down your neck, and to your breasts. He'd suck gently on a bud while toying with the other, cause sweet moans to fill the quiet room. They enticed him and he smiled, it was a noise he loved already. You began to fiddle with his pants and get them undone. He helped you get them off and he was soon left in his boxers. He pulled away a moment and gazed at your beautiful body before working at your (pants/skirt/shorts), taking them off along with your lace panties. You were bare, all of you, shown blatantly to Matt. He kissed just above your v-line, teasing some. Reaching over into a drawer of his bedside table, he grabbed the needed condom and kicked his boxers off. Opening the packaging he slipped the condom on and hovered over you, hands holding your hips up. His tip rested at your entrance as he waited for permission. You nodded and he slowly slid in. It being your first time, you teared up a little at his larger size. He paused and let you adjust, shooing your tears away with soft butterfly kisses. Soon enough you told him it was ok and be began moving, gently but deep. A sigh escaped your lips but it wasn't enough, you needed and desired more friction. "M-Matt.. Please faster..!" You begged. He suddenly got confident and smirked, taking your wrists in one hand and pinning them to the bed. His pace picked up but it still wasn't enough for you both, he pushed faster and harder. Moans and groans, soft and loud, filled the air. The faint noises of skin on skin as well.
Matt leaned down and panted, taking a bud into his mouth and teasing, nibbling lightly and leaving small hickies. You moaned and felt your peak rising. Quicker and quicker, almost there. "M-Matt.. I'm so... C-close..!" You moaned. He nodded, "I-I am t-too (y/n)..." He breathed. Soon enough you came, triggering his release as well. Both of you moaned in sync before panting heavily. He pulled out after a moment and laid next to you, pulling the covers over you both, and tugging you close. "I love you (y/n)." He whispered. "Love you too ginger." You giggled and nuzzled close, soon drifting off.
First one guys! With just the story it was 997 words!! Damn son.
Requests are welcome and again, I'm sorry if I don't get to yours!

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