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Shit... Fuck... Ugh this is fucking bad..!
You were walking down the hall, anxious. Paul had called you to his office.. Room... Office? Whatever.
You were posted to catch the fugitive Edd Gould. He'd been hopping from time periods and soon enough he'd fuck something up. Red leader was worried he'd be ruined. You understood. Suddenly at Paul's, door you regretted knocking.
"Come in." A gruff voice called.
You stepped in, faking calmness. He pointed to a chair and you sat, awaiting further instruction. "Report." He demanded.
"Well sir... I-I've missed him again... He's crafty with his little time gadget..." You muttered.
Paul sighed and put his cigarette out.
"That's a week gone to waste." He growled and stepped closer to you.
"Red Leader is down my throat because of you not getting this criminal... Fuck in about to be down yours in a second...!" He barked, causing you to flinch visibly. "I-I.." You whispered, wishing you could dissolve into the chair. He glared at you a moment before his features softened. "God... I'm sorry (y/n).. Red Leader is just being a pain..." He muttered and ran a hand through his hair, removing his trench coat and hanging it.
"I-it's... Ok.." You whispered again.
"Is there anything I can do..?" You tried. He glanced over you, in uniform. He began imagining you without such pesky clothes.
"Hmm I've got something.."
His voice changed, becoming a little more dark and lustful.
"Why don't you take your coat and boots off, relax."
You hesitated but nodded, you hung your coat on the back of your chair, kicked your boots off, and set them by your chair.
He took you up and brought you to a foot, opening it to reveal a separate room. He led you in and shut the door, locking it and stripping his shirt off to show his toned and scarred torso. You flushed and gazed away, not wanting to be accused of staring. "Strip. That's an order." He said firmly and went through a drawer for something. You did as commanded, removing your own sweater and pesky pants and socks. You decided your bra could be removed while your panties would remain.
Finding what he needed he turned around but broke in his tracks.
"I-is everything alright...?"
He nodded. "You're.. Just so gorgeous.." He breathed and stepped closer, pulling you flush against him by your hips. Both leaning towards one another the gap closed and soft lips met one another. His hands traveled from your hips to your ass and massaged gently. A single pleased breath escaped your nose.
He brought you to the bed and removed his pants quickly, returning to the kiss. When he wanted more, he gave a firm squeeze to your ass, causing you to gasp and open your virgin mouth to him. His tongue took no waste exploring its new territory, flicking around as if a dog looking for a bone frantically.
Fore play was quickly ditched, Paul pulling their underwear off and preparing himself. "You ready? You've been a naughty girl and I don't plan on being gentle." He whispered in her ear huskily. You flushed fifty shades of red but nodded quickly. He aligned and without hesitation thrusted in. His movements were quick and harsh. He had so much stress and pent up aggression he needed out. What better way than to fuck the hell out  of his crush right? You didn't mind. You were already practically screaming his name, each thrust earning a whiney moan, whimpers, mewls, and strings of curses.
"God, such a noisy little girl huh?" He grunted and bit at your neck, leaving many dark hickeys.
Paul must have had a lot pent in as they were on their second whim. "P-Paul... Fuck I'm so close.!" You moaned, on your hands and knees this time. "M-me too.." He growled and kissed at your back.
With a shift, and a certain angle being hit, you screamed out his name loudly like before as you peaked. He cursed loudly and followed suit, remaining inside for a quick second to regain himself.
He pulled out and cleaned himself up quickly, wanting to return to you. You collapsed on the bed, weak from his harsh fuckings.
He returned and hugged you close. "I'm sorry.. If I hurt at all... The stress bubbled up and over.." He whispered after a moment.
"It's ok Paul, I get that... And for my first... You made it worth saving myself.." You smiled softly.
He chuckled lightly and kissed between your shoulder blades.
"I love you, (y/n)..."
"I love you too Paul."

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