Paul x Dom! Dirty talk! Reader

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"Honey I'm home!"
No response.
"Huh... Probably in the room with her music." He chuckled.
Setting his things aside he took of his coat and hung it, removing his shoes as well.
Lazily he made his way upstairs and into his shared room with his wife. A young wedded couple.
The room was dimly lit with white candles, a young woman laid in bed, wearing her most alluring lingerie for her husband.
"Welcome home, Paul my sweet." She said lowly, an innocent smile plastered on her face.
He was shocked to say the least. He shut the door slowly and made his way over to the bed.
"YN... Gosh.." He breathed and looked her up and down lustfully.
She removed herself from the bed for a second, only to pull him in, working at his shirt while so.
"I wanted to treat my husband, I don't say thank you enough.."
She whispered and pulled off his white shirt and tie, pushing him back on the bed an leaning down, kissing his firm, stubled, jawline.
He breathed out and rested his hands on YN's hips, it was a treat to come back to.
She leaned back after a second and began working at his pants, pulling them off, teasing at his boxers.
Him being eager, he quickly worked at her bra, pulling it off an gazing upon her beautiful breasts.
YN smirked and kept his hands off her. "Eager aren't we..?" She teased and rubbed against him, earning a groan.
"Do you want to feel my body..? All my soft dips and curves, clinging to you.. You want that..?" She whispered.
"Y-yes.. Oh god yes.." He nodded quickly.
She stripped herself from everything but her stockings, removing his pesky boxers as well.
He was quite aroused, such an alluring sight with his thickness. He was perfect.
A condom was opened and pulled on and a little positioning.
"Are you ready?" She asked.
He nodded quickly, wanting to feel her. She slowly went down on him but didn't let either adjust, she went quickly, earning gasps and groans from him.
"Ugh Paul you're so thick... Mmph fuck... Come on, be louder, I wanna... Hng.. Hear you..!" She muttered once, barely able to be verbal herself.
Once things really got going he was louder, begging for her more, needing all of her. Her nails dug into his sides, he filled every inch and stretched some, it was blissful.
Suddenly she stopped and glanced down at him. He frowned and looked up at her. "Switch spots.." She demanded.
He nodded quickly and instantly moved so he was on top.
"Fuck me, fuck my brains out Paul. I don't want you to hold back, I wanna feel all of you, hear it all, hear you." She spewed. He took no waste with her orders and thrust back in forcefully, not holding back one smidge.
"A-AAAH!" She gasped with a wide grin.
He groaned along with her and huffed.

Finally they both got closer and closer before groaning and moaning in sync, releasing quickly.
Left as panting messed they pulled apart, only to cuddle up under the covers to relax.
"Thank you... I couldn't ask for a better wife..." Paul murmured.
She smiled and kissed him lovingly.
"I'm here to give you my love.. In any way I can.." She whispered.
"As am I.."

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