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"Tord!" A voice called through the house. With no answer the voice called again. "Tord?!" It sounded a little irritated. The voice belonged to a tall ginger. He was looking for his boyfriend, slightly irritated but turned on. Yet again had Tord left one of his hentai books in Matt's room. He walked to the Norsk's room and knocked. With no answer he opened the door and sighed. "Tord I swear, you keep leaving your hen.." He broke off and blushed at the sight of his small boyfriend, masturbating to either pictures or videos on his laptop. Noticing a light change in the room, Tord looked up and blushed a color darker than his red hoodie. His blue green eyes wide with shock and embarrassment. "M-Matt?!" He squeaked and slammed his laptop shut, pulling out his earbuds. Matt shook his head and blushed. "Y-you left your hentai in my room... Again.." He finally spoke. Tord set his laptop aside and blushed a dark red still, looking away. "O-ok... Thank you.." He said, expecting Matt to leave, but he didn't. Tord had pulled the covers over him and didn't feel like revealing himself anytime soon. Matt stepped in and shut the door, locking it. "Tord.. You've been a naughty boy.. Leaving you books in my room... Maybe a little punishment is deserved.." He said lowly. Tord looked at his boyfriend, loving and shy a second ago. The change was new but Tord welcomed it, liking the dominance he had, while Tord couldn't muster much. Matt slipped off his shirt he was wearing and walked to Tord's bed, undoing his pants as he went. Tord looked over his boyfriend shyly, but lustfully. Matt pushed him back against the bed and smirked, leaning down and nibbling his earlobe. "How does my shy little Norwegian feel?" He asked huskily. Tord squirmed under Matt, wanting some sort of friction. "H-horny.." He breathed. Matt smirked and ripped the covers away. He kissed at Tord's neck and teased his member. Tord shivered and mewled for more. Matt pulled his boxers off and easily found a poorly hidden bottle of lube. Using it, he brought Tord close by his hips and rubbed against his prostate. Tord groaned and begged Matt. "Please.. Just fuck me.." He whined. Matt chuckled and shoved in, causing the Norsk to squeak under him. He didn't give him time to adjust, he just kept thrusting. He kept Tord's hands above his head, held at his wrists with Matt's one hand. The other was occupied at his hip. Tord gripped at his lovers back but tried hiding his face, still shy to the notions. Matt noting and leaned down, peppering sweet kisses and whispering sweet nothings to him, to calm him. It worked. Bringing Tord out of his shell of shyness. He groaned and moaned with each thrust. Soon he started yelling Matt's name and mewling as Matt went as fast as he could, pounding into a certain pleasing spot. Matt smirked and felt himself getting close, and knew Tord was close, having the head start of masturbating. A few minutes of hard pounding, Matt came into Tord, some seeping out. Tord moaned out Matt's name and came, some of his seed getting on his own face. He blushed a dark red and looked up at Matt as he pulled out. Matt smiled and wiped the remains off, pecking his love. "You are so sweet.. I love you my little Tordy bear." Matt whispered and relaxed next to Tord, pulling him into his chest and bringing the covers over them. Tord smiled softly and nuzzled closer. "I love you too my tall gingerbread boy." He whispered and eventually dozed off, drained.
This was shorter... 622...
'Twas requested by KuroSenpai
Hope you like!

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