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For a few months now you have been getting into more animations due to inspiration by your boyfriend. Edd Gould. He was your everything. Shy, funny, sweet, caring, and the most loyal and protective guy ever. He had been acting a little distant around you that day though, blushing constantly and trying to avoid talking. In all reality Edd had become interested in trying a little intimacy. He just didn't know how to tell you. Currently you were working on a dump animation when Edd walked into the living room. "Hey uh... (Y/n)..?" He called quietly. You paused and set your laptop aside and looked at him. "Yes Edd?" You asked with a sweet smile. He blushed more and glanced away a second. "C-could you come to my room... I wanna ask you something.." He said. You agreed and saved your work before closing the laptop and setting it on the coffee table. You then followed him to his room and sat on the bed. He shut the door and turned to you. "L-listen (y/n)... I've been wanting to try something.. New.." He blushed and looked into your eyes with his soft brown ones. You blushed, catching on. "You really want to Edd..?" He nodded and stepped closer to the bed, soon sitting. You then gave him a look, emitting silent permission. He took note and laid you down gently, bringing you two into a soft passionate kiss. It lasted a few seconds before your shirt was removed along with your bra. He experimentally groped your breasts, earning a soft moan. He smiled and placed kisses and love bites in the crook of your neck while your hands fiddled with the button of his pants, his shirt already removed. Getting them undone, he helped you get them down before his lips moved to your breasts and his hands undid the button of your pants. Getting those off he brought your panties with them. His lips then left soft kisses down your stomach and to your inner thigh. He was teasing you, making sure you were enticed enough. You whined for him, begged for him. "Edd p-please..." You whispered. He smirked and brought his boxers off, reaching and opening the packaging of needed condom. Slipping it on he brought you closer by your hips, and positioned himself. Getting the ok he was waiting for, he gently slid in. Tensing and tearing up, he paused and let you adjust, kissing your tears away. Soon enough you told him it was ok to move and he began thrusting slowly. "Mm... E-Edd can you go... F-faster?" You begged quietly. He nodded and picked up his pace, going harder and faster. You both were a moaning mess after a few good minutes, and both of you were seconds away from hitting cloud nine. "(Y-y/n) I'm so.... C-close..!" Edd grunted into the crook of your neck. You nodded in agreement and clung to him, scratching down his back. Not a minute later did you climax, triggering his. You both moaned each other's name and he soon pull me out, laying next to you, panting. He tried coming down from his high and did eventually. "I love you.. (Y/n)... Thank you for being mine." He breathed, causing a soft smile and blush to spread over your face. "Thank you Edd, for being mine as well. And I love you more than you'll ever know." You assured and brought the covers over you both, cuddling into your loving boyfriend. Content with the night's events.
Requested by BethLovesNoodles
Sorry, I've been gettin lazy with these.
Also in still taking requests! Please hmu lol

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