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It was yet again that Tom was drunk. Or so you thought. He was acting drunk and slurring his words. "(Y-y/n) *hic* can you help me to my *hic* room?" He slurred. You nodded and sighed. "Sure Thomas, let's go buddy boy." With that you helped him. Unknowingly he shut the door behind you two before you helped him to his bed. Before you could leave he took your hand in his and pulled you on top of his lap. "You realize (y/n), I'm not drunk." He chuckled and looked you in the eye. You blushed a dark red at your closeness. "O-oh.." You mumbled and he chuckled again. "I've been meaning to tell you.. That I really like you.. And I've really been craving you." He breathed and leaned closer. You were quiet but leaned close as well. "I like you too Tom.." You whispered and closed the gap, his lips soft and wetted against yours. His hands moved to your hips and brought you closer, while yours snaked around his neck. He teased your shirt and you pulled away a moment to help him tug it off, along with your bra. He was moving quick and you tried matching his pace. He pulled his shirt off then and you glanced at his body, perfect. Little chub and very cuddly. You smiled and pecked his lips while your hands moved to his pants and undid them while he did with yours. "Did you know.... That you are simply beautiful..?" He whispered, causing you to blush. "T-thank you.. Did you know that your very handsome and cuddling?" You returned. He thanked you with a soft smile and pecked your lips, slipping his and your pants off. With those out of the way he shifted so you were laying on your back. He reached for a condom and kept it in his mouth while he teased your panties down. You flushed and squirmed under his touch. He snickered a little and slipped his boxers off.
With the condom on he thrust in gently, letting you adjust to his larger size. Once comfortable you gave him the go and he moved at a faster pace, right away. It startled you, causing an instant mewl to escape. He smirked and kept his pace while your legs kept around his waist and arms brought him closer. "Aah... T-tommy..." You whispered lustfully. "M-more..!" You mewled again. He smirked and abided, kissing and nibbling at your neck. It urged your hormones to go even crazier and bring your climax closer. Tom wasn't too far behind and grunted as he went harder. "(Y-y/n) I'm so damn.. Close..." He muttered and bit a little harder at her neck. You moaned loudly and arched your back. "M-me too..!"
Not once second later did he hit a particularly pleasing spot, and kept hitting it once your moan echoed around the room. "Tommy!!" You moaned and clawed at his back, climaxing. Your walls tightening around his member cause his own release. He grunted as he rode out your combined climaxes, trying to calm from his high. He pulled out eventually and panted, laying next to you, smiling. "Think you can go again?" He asked, a little bashfully. You huffed and smirked, nodding. "Hell yes.."
Two more rounds were enjoyed but finished with a sweet 'I love you' and cuddles for the night.
Even less... 572
Ah well... Another requested chapter!
FroxzBeat hope you like! :)

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