Larry X Reader

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"Bing I quit. I'm sick of you disrespecting me and treating me like a lower man when I try to help. Fuck you and your work, asshole."
A young man with dusty blonde(?) hair spoke bitterly to a seemingly older man with brown hair.
"Fine! I don't need you anyway, I've got my many monkeys! You're a waste." The second man, Bing, spoke, not showing he really cared.
The first man, Larry, scoffed and left, messaging his friend.

L: hey, mind if I come over, Bing has pissed me off for the last time.

YN: sure! Cocoa, right?

L: you know me, thanks YN, really. :)

YN: of course, see ya in a bit.

Larry smiled softly at his caring friend. He'd even acquired a crush for her. She was so sweet and caring, about the only person who listened to him and cared for him.
He loved her, he was smitten as hell.
Her beautiful (e/c) orbs. (h/l) (h/c) locks. She was perfect..

((Time skip brought to you by Jon's shyness))

"So, you finally quit?" A young female spoke, sipping cocoa.
Larry nodded. "I was sick of him."
She grinned. "I'm glad, you deserve so much better than what that... Disgrace of a man.. Gave you. You're an amazing man Larry, I'm glad you're here."
He flushed and smiled sheepishly. "Thank you YN..."
Now... He needed to say it now.
"Hey uh... YN.. Could I tell you something..?" He began.
She nodded. "Sure, what's up?"
He paused and set his cup down, fiddling with his hands.
"Well... We've been friends for a long time.. And over the years.. I've admired you so much.. What I'm saying is I have a crush on you.. A huge one.. I'm infatuated with you..." He trails off, hoping he hadn't ruined it all.
She set her cup down and looked at him, emotions unreadable. She leaned in the little distance between them on the couch to gently peck his lips.
"You're not the only one.." She whispered.
He flushed more and decided taking a risky move, reaching for her hands. She let him and both leaned in again, wanting to share a proper kiss.
When their lips met, sparks flew. It was a million times better than Larry had hoped. It was perfect.
She brought his hands to her hips, before bringing her arms around his neck, closing the area open between them.

Eventually they had to break away for air.
Both were flustered and smiling at each other. Once again they leaned in, but put more into this kiss. He laid back and brought her onto his lap, keeping her as close as ever.
As the kiss progressed, he found himself moving to her neck. He paused, asking silent permission. She simply sighed in bliss, indicating she liked it, she wanted him.
He continued at her neck, eventually finding her sweet spot. He sucked and nipped, earning small muffled moans.

((Time skip... Funded by Tord's hentai addiction.))

Clothes had been stripped quickly and they had moved to YN's room. He currently hovered over her, gazing over her beautiful body.
She squirmed under his gaze and he chuckled lightly.
They'd gone over her not having protection so he promised to pull out. However making a joke of making little clones.
He finally positioned and gave her a look, needing confirmation. She nodded shyly and he gently pressed in, muffling her cry of pain with a sweet chaste kiss. He waited for her until she finally begged him to move. He did as told and began slowly, but deeply.
She moaned softly, wrapping her limbs around him, bringing him closer. "O-oh... L-Larry.." She breathed, burying her face in his shoulder and neck.
He flushed and found himself picking up pace, wanting to hear more from her.
She gasped and begged for more, it went on for a few.
Both were nearing their peak, YN was clawing at Larry's back needily.
He was thrusting roughly into her, grunting and moaning himself.
"L-Larry I'm so... C-close.." She whined.
He nodded. "I-I am too... H-hhh..hh...."
She stopped him though and insisted nothing go to waste. He obliged and let her on top, pulling a casual 69.
He gingerly licked at her, teasing every area for his own. She soon moaned against his cock, signaling her release. Such a sweet vibration trigger such a sweet climax from him. He grunted as he filled her mouth. Both swallowed their share.
Mouth wash would definitely be in need...
They both cleaned up and cuddled under YN's covers.
"I love you YN, you complete me.."
Larry murmured.
She smiled and nuzzled close. "I love you too, my other half."
"We should totally make clones of ourselves. *wink wonk*"
- Larry 2k16

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