Guilty Conscience

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Me and Stiles kept kissing until my father pulled into the driveway.

"Fuck! I have to go I'm sorry but I don't want to have to talk about this with my dad." I said ask ran out of the jeep.

Please god. If my dad saw me I don't know what he'd say but he probably would tell Scott. My dad liked Scott now but enough to try and break us up when he could.

I cheated on Scott. I never thought I would say those words. I let Stiles kiss me and I kissed him... But it felt right. I don't regret the kiss. I just feel guilty because I can't imagine the look on Scotts face if he finds out. I don't want to hurt him.

I slam the door shut to my room and instantly tears come running down my face. Why did things only have to get worse? My eyes jump to the little piece of paper on my nightstand. I sob even even harder as I unfold the note with a messy "Because I love you" scrawled on it. I was a horrible person. Scott would do anything for me and here I was kissing his best friend after he had gotten into a fight for me today.

I throw the note in the drawer not being able to look at it anymore. I throw myself on the bed not knowing how my life got this way. I wanted it all to be simple like when I first got to Beacon Hills.

I hear a knock on the door and I freeze. It's probably Scott. Oh god. I wipe away my tears and slowly make my way to the door. It swings open before I could get to it. I sigh in relief as I see my father instead of the brown eyes I was expecting. However that relief is gone when I see the anger in his eyes.

"I got a call from your principal. Allison... Scott can't get into fights and afterwards make you skip class him. I know you like him but you can't always do what he wants."

"Dad it wasn't like that he-"

"Don't defend him! I've been patient all this time because he's the only one keeping you together but I've had it!"


"I don't want you seeing Scott anymore. He's no good for you. You've barely gotten better all these months with him and most of the times when you're crying he's somewhere nearby!"

"Scott is the one who helps me stop crying!" I yell.

My father had no idea what he was talking about he was wrong. Scott was my anchor.

"Then why were you kissing the Stilinski kid?!" My dad shot back.


"I saw you two in his car as I pulled in. Don't lie Allison."

He saw us. Oh my god. He's going to tell Scott. Oh no that would crush him.

"Please don't tell Scott. Just please don't. Not now... He can't know." I pleaded with him.

"Oh I'm not going to,"

"Thank y-"

"Because you're going to."

"What?" I asked confused. Was he really telling me to tell Scott about this? I couldn't. I just couldn't look into his eyes when I told him. I couldn't be the reason why Scott and Stiles stopped be friends after all these years.

"You're going to tell him or I will. Stiles is better for you anyways. Scott is going to hurt you over and over again."

"Scott doesn't hurt me." I whispered.

"If you loved him like you say you do then you wouldn't have kissed Stiles. Tell him tonight or I will." He left after his ultimatum.

I sank down to the floor putting my head in between my knees. How would I be able to do this?? I tried to hold in my tears as I thought about him opening up the door having no idea what I did.

I slowly stand up and mechanically grab my keys. I ignore my father's smug grin as I walk past him. I try and calm down as I turn the key to the ignition and start driving to the one place I could get to blindfolded.

I turn on the radio but its no use to distract myself right now. How could I tell Scott I had cheated on him with his best friend?

I pull into his driveway and I'm frozen. I can't do this. I can't. No. There's a tap on the window and I look out to see Isaac smiling eating some Doritos.

I roll down the windows, "Hey Allison. What are you doing in your car? Wait... have you been crying?"

I shook my head but of course those adorable sympathetic eyes got the best of me. I started crying all over again and I hated the fact that I kept crying in front of everyone. I could practically hear my mother scolding me for always showing so much emotion.

Isaac opens the car doors pulls me into his arms, "Don't cry... I can hear Scott. He's coming down since he probably heard you... Everything is going to be okay.."

Two seconds later, "I'm so sorry I didn't come to your house after school. I know I should have. I had Stiles take you home because I thought you were probably mad at me." Scott's words were supposed to be a comfort but instead felt like a knife to my stomach.

Scott had no way of knowing what happened in my driveway. I felt horrible for kissing Stiles and now here Scott was apologizing. I couldn't tell him. I couldn't do that to him.

Isaac heads inside as Scott carries me to his room. I couldn't stop crying as Scott kept apologizing. He was probably thinking I was mad at him or someone had said something to me. He kept telling me how much he loved me which only made me cry harder.

Scott set me down on his bed and looked at me not knowing what to say. Isaac came in and told Scott he wanted to stay.

"No I want to be alone with her." Scott replied harshly.

"She obviously doesn't want to be alone with you. She was parked in the driveway for ten minutes before I went up to see what was wrong with her."

Scott looked at me in disbelief and although I knew it would hurt him, I said Isaac could stay. I didn't want to be alone when Scott blew up or when he told me he never wanted to me again.

"Allison what's going on?" Scott whispered.

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