Chapter 27- Facing Simon Part 2

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I want to try writing in third person.., here it goes. I'm feeling courageous today!

Sorry that it's short but I'm tired and need to sleep!!


(Third Person POV)

To say Simon was mad would be an understatement, he was pissed. His hatred for Harry at the moment was do strong he had to take several pills to calm himself. And it didn't do wonders to his face either.

When Harry entered his office with his band mates and his girlfriend he hadn't expected a baby bump so big that Harry could barely hug her, and yet Simon was intrigued, he could have kicked them out of the office but the way the pregnant girl's eyes shone when she looked at him were full and round with hope living in them.

She walked into the office in a soft baby blue maternity dress and brown flats, her long chocolate hair in ringlets down her back. But despite her gentle looks Simon saw a flash of tiredness but yet swift determination in their blue depths. She quickly surveyed her surroundings before slipping past Liam who was seated next to a blonde on the love seat and into Harry's lap, clinging to him like a koala. Harry smiled at her fondly before turning to Simon.

"Simon." He nodded, his green gaze unwavering as he stared at his mentor challengingly.

Simon let a small smile slip onto his lips, "Boys.. Harry." He said, completely ignoring Jenna. "How have you been?"

Harry frowned, his face sad and angry. He understood why Simon deliberatly ignored the girls' presences but he certainly didn't like it. All the boys gave their answers and soon Simon addressed the matter at hand.

"So Harry, Jenna. Why did you not tell me the news before? I'm very confused." Simon asked, leaning forward in his chair, his elbows on the desk, hands folded neatly over the wood.

"Well," Harry and Jenna looked at each other, but Simon was taken by surprise when Jenna answered, "you see Sir, we didn't find out until about two weeks after and Harry and I had been having a.. disagreement of sorts-"

She looked to Harry and he finished it for her, "and we had been focused on resolving it. However when we resolved it we had another dilemma."

Simon nodded his head deep in thought. He understood of course that teens, particularly young couples who were so close to adulthood had fights. He too had once been an adolescent.

"You still could have told me. Do you realize what you have done Jenna?" Simon carefully answered, then directed his new question to Harry's girlfriend. "You have put Harry's future, the band's future, on the line for a baby?! Did you even consider abortion?"

Jenna's eyes widened with sadness then they narrowed in disbelief and hatred. She rose from Harry's lap and strode over to Simon, slamming her small hands on the desk making him flinch at her sudden actions and lean back ever so slightly into his chair.. "Yes. I knew what I was doing. I didn't plan this Simon! I didn't WANT a child, it just happened like that. I wanted to go to University, I wanted to have my own life and not have to depend on Harry's income to survive. I wanted to have children after I was married and let me tell you something. Being a teen mother is very difficult. I'm tired, I'm snappy and I'm in no mood to listen to anyone tell me what I've done wrong! Harry and I considered every option before we made our decision and in my third month of pregnancy the boys went on tour leaving me by myself. It's hard Simon. It's really hard. We couldn't forgive ourselves if we killed our own child. So yes we did consider abortion."

She sat back down in Harry's lap and raised her eyebrows at Simon challengingly. Simon turned to Harry.

"Harry. Did you even think?! I mean you're the one with the dick you could at least use a condom when you have sex-"

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