Chapter 24- Some Kind of Proof

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 (Jenna's POV)

I'm actually surprised how things have turned out for me! I am almost five months pregnant and so far I'm freeing great and looking great! I rolled out of bed this morning and I had no stretch marks or wrinkles on me! I wasn't sick, I wasn't moody, and my stomach wasn't getting in my way.

I'm actually kinda proud of myself. Going into this pregnancy thing I really didn't know how things would be, I mean I'm a first time mom at nineteen so you can't really blame me, but I'm handling it pretty well. Not to mention that Harry and everyone has been so supportive. He has bought the car seat and has installed it in van much to the dismay of the boys. At least Louis is somewhat excited, I don't know if I should be concerned for him, instead of calling shotgun he now sits in the car seat...

"Babe are you okay?" Harry asked me lovingly, yelling up the stairs to me.

I hopped around and tried to get my sock on. "One second!!" We had woken up just a few minutes ago and Harry eventually left me to make me and omlet after I had bribed him with kisses. He's always such a help.

I stumbled around and let out some colorful words and phrases as I hit my hip on the dresser drawer, sending objects flying in every which way. I threw the sock down on the bed in frustration, pouting. Why did it mock me?

"Babe you okay?" Harry yelled from downstairs, worry lacing his deep voice.

"Yeah," I huffed, turning to walk out the door, "I'm all good!!"

I smiled as I eyed Harry up and down from my position at the bottom of the stairs. He was facing the stove with his back turned away from me in the massive kitchen, humming a sweet song to himself. He was dressed smartly in black jeans and a white shirt that showed his abs through them and his Ray Ban sunglasses hanging off of his shirt.

"Good morning." He drawled out the words, raising his green eyes to meet mine. "I thought after we had breakfast we could go for a walk to Starbucks? What do you think?"

I contemplated my decision, my nose screwed up in thought. "You know I can't drink coffee. Baby." I added pointing down at my ever present stomach. I had started wearing maternity clothes last week.

"Argh," he stammered, running a fist through his curls, "right. I forgot."

"Obviously!" I giggled. I walked the last few steps down the stairs and into his arms. "I wouldn't mind the exercise though. I can't believe it's almost May!"

"Time flys when you're having fun!"

I scoffed and pushed him back playfully. "Sure fun. While you have been having fun and relaxing I have been getting sick, having mood swings and getting fat!" I joked lovingly.

"You are not fat!"

I looked pointedly at my growing belly. "Whatever you say." My once flat stomach has slowly progressed into a full on baby belly. I'm into my second trimester and I'm almost nineteen weeks! "I'm going to be nineteen weeks on Monday, Harry!" I complained, leaning against the counter.

Harry let go of me to go get our omlets then came around and handed me my omlet before taking a seat beside me on the bar stool. "Well soon we'll go in for the second ultrasound." Harry smiled, patting my belly gently. "I do get to come to this one right?"

I laughed and placed a hand on his neck, bending his face down so our noses could touch. "Of course!" I smiled, "I only left you out of the last one because we were fighting!"

Harry grimaced, obviously remembering back to the day of my first ultrasound, when I hadn't let him come. Our baby had been perfect and even though I couldn't see the face I knew he or she would be perfect. I found out the gender next Monday, when I would be 20 weeks pregnant officially. "Are you ready for this though? I mean we still haven't told the press and we need to do that soon before they find out for themselves and start making rumors up about it. I think we should tell them."

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