Chapter 19- Family Issues

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Chapter 19 is up! Sorry it took so long to get it up! I had technology problems...




For a while the only thing I could feel was the wetness of the tears streaming down my face and onto my shirt. The silence of the room was comforting to my ecstatic senses. 

Adopted. My whole life was a lie, just like Anonymous promised

I shoved the folders from the filing cabinet in my purse and without a glance back I walked out of the office. 

"Ahh Miss Marks-" the owner of my house smiled as he saw me come down the stairs.

"Please just call me Jenna." I interrupted him, stopping to close my eyes at the mention of my name.

"Jenna," he smiled slightly at my stance before continuing, "did you find what you were looking for?"

I hesitated, did I really want to tell him about the filing cabinet, " Not really, I just found a few old family photos behind the vents. We always kept them in a secret drawer there."

A look of suspicion crossed his eyes as he took in what I had said. " I see. Were they that important?"

I stiffened but started to get my shoes from the door mat when a thought crossed my mind. Why would HE have a filing cabinet full of information on my friends and family?

I turned around to see that he was gone. I shuddered and quickly slipped my coat on before hurrying out the door. This was dangerous.


" Excuse me Miss?" 

I jumped as an appoligetic voice entered my thoughts.

"Yes?" I sighed,looking up and adressing the Starbucks cashier who was standing above me.

"Miss it's closing time." He stuttered wring his hands.

"Could you bring me a coffee to go?" I pleaded using my puppy dog face to make him surrender.

"S-sure." He stuttered before leaving to get my coffee which he returned with moments later.

I nodded my thanks and shuffled my way out of the coffee shop with my precious beverage in hand.

"Wait Miss!"

I turned around as the voice of the coffee shop cashier stopped me.


" Haven't I seen you before?" He asked questioningly, his head cocked to the side.

I shoved my hand in the deep pockets of my trench coat and shrugged. "Where have you then?"

" I know who you are!" He exclaimed, " you're Jenna Marks, Harry Styles girlfriend!"


" Can I have his autograph and yours?"

Wow, a male directioner! My attitude was changed at his one comment.

" Sure, your name is Sam right? I'll drop his off at the coffee shop tomorrow." I smiled while scrawling my signature on his apron.


"Anytime," I smiled and took a few steps back, " I have to go now bye!" I said as I took off running.


"Harry?" I yelled as I walked through the door to our flat.

Footsteps pounded on the stairs as Harry arrived at the top of the stairs. He smiled in relief and launched himself over the railing, falling ten feet, before landing on the back of our beat up lazy boy chair and scrambling towards me with a crazy smile on his beautiful face.

"Oh my God Jenna I was so worried!" Harry cried as he slammed into me. He pulled me into a tender embrace and lifted my chin up to look him in the eyes. "Don't you EVER do that to me again Jennifer Marie Marks! I will never let you go again!"

I chuckled weakly before looking him in the eyes and pressing my lips to his in a passionate kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck I leaned into the kiss before breaking away.

"About that," I sighed with a chuckle, "there is something we need to talk about. All of us."

"BOYS!!! JENNA'S HOME!!!" Harry hollered across the flat. I laughed loudly as a chorus of my name being screamed eminated from the upstairs bedrooms and my four lads ran down stairs in pajama's.

"Did you bring food?"

"Hey babe!"


"Miss Marks where have you been?!" Louis demanded, pushing his way forward to stand in front of the boys, right in front of me with his hands on his hips.

" Boys," I announced clapping my hands together, "Louis," I added earning a sly smirk from Lou, " I went to my old house."

As we sat down I proceeded to tell the boys all of the story, leaving out the text messages and the part where I was related to Liam.

"Wow Jenna," Harry exclaimed in awe, running his hand through his curly locks, "is that all?"

I hesitated, earning looks from all of the boys before continuing. "No," I stuttered pulling the remaining pictures out of my bag, " I don't know what these mean but I believe I may have a stalker," I stuttered as I handed them the photos, keeping one back, "and I found this..."

I handed Liam the photo and watched as his face turned blank, "I think that I'm adopted and my parents are L-"

"My parents," Liam interrupted me giving Harry the photos, "you are my sister."

With that Liam started sobbing and got up quickly, crushing me in a bone-breaking embrace.

"They told me you were dead. They said that you didn't make it. They said that my twin had died at birth."


"Woah!" Harry yelled, standing up and throwing the photos to the ground. "Sister?! SISTER!!"

"Yeah. Sister." Liam smiled, giving me a wink and throwing his arm around me which made Harry get angrier.

"You expect me to take this bs photo and believe that my girlfriend is your sister!?"

"Yes," he said, his wife eyes brimming with tears, "that's exactly what I expect from you, as my bestfriend."


So I am getting some puter problems and I am finding that none of my typing keys work so bear with me and I will fix it!



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