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3rd Person

Tae Ah ran as fast as she can when Chen caught her ripping someone's nametag.

"Y-Yah! Tae Ah is the killer! Tae Ah is the killer! COME ON! Let's catch her!" Chen started shouting as he began chasing Tae Ah

"Shoot. I'M DEAD" she hissed as she began running. Her cameraman was not able to follow her because she quickly ran away.

She suddenly saw a dark corner and decided to temporarily hide there for a while.

She maintained herself not to make any noise as she gasped a big amount of air because she's panting so hard.
Her heart beats so fast as she waits for Chen and the other players to pass.

"This way! I think she went this way! Hurry up!" She heard Chen calling the other players.

She felt relieved and heaved a sigh as she heard their footsteps going away.
She was about to go outside when suddenly someone grabbed her wrist and covered her mouth.

"Ssshh. One more move and I'm going to rip that nametag of yours." That deep voice prevents her body from moving. It's like she was controlled by him that she can't even make any single noise.

Chanyeol uncovered her mouth and he turned Tae Ah to face him. He let out a smirk as he saw how red her cheeks are.

"You're sweating bullets now. You missed me?" He teased as he tried to wipe the sweat on her forehead.

"Nope. I won't, I don't and it will never be." She rolled her eyes as she swatted his hand and tried to go but Chanyeol pinned her to the wall.

"I'm currently imagining myself ripping your nametag now. tch. Just so you know, you're not the only killer here." He moved his head closer and leveled it to her face.

"I-I know" she gulped.

Her heartbeats are now faster than before. She suddenly felt something weird inside her and she hates it.

"What exactly are you Park Chanyeol? Why are you doing this to me?" She said between her thoughts

"Seems like you're enjoying it. That's why I love y---" He suddenly blurted out something that made realization hits him.

"M-Mwo?" She asked not absorbing the words he just said

"T-That's why I love teasing you. Pabo. W-What are you thinking? Huh? Tch." He avoided her gaze as Tae Ah noticed his ears getting red.

"N-nothing. I'm not thinking of something but why does your ears getting red so sudden?" She pointed at him innocently and that made him cover his own two ears.

"Y-Yah. Mind your own ears! Aish. Why am I even talking to you" He yelled at her.

"I found her! She's with Chanyeol hyung! Over here guys! Hurry!" They heard someone shouted outside 

"Shit." Chanyeol cursed as he grabbed her hand and started running together.

They ran as fast as they can, not even minding that they're both holding each other's hand.

"Hurry." He said while panting so hard.

She nodded but she ended up falling to the ground.

"O-ouch!" She screamed in pain as she massaged her leg.

Chanyeol stopped in his tracks and turned around to see Tae Ah trying to get up but she failed.

"Yah. Ppali! They're coming! Aish!" He complained as he went closer to her

OPPA IS INLOVE (EXO Chanyeol)Where stories live. Discover now