Sanji x reader {requested}

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It was a very warm day aboard the sunny . Lying on the cool grasses you sighed .
" Nami~chwaaan♡ robin~swaaaaan♡ I brought you some smoothie"
Sanji said noodle-ing to nami and robin .
" Thanks sanji"
Nami said and robin just smiled at him . Sanjis eyes became hearts as he walked back to the kitchen . It broke your heart , you were always ignored , and by the man you love . Zoro noticed that you didn't get any smoothie and walked towards the kitchen . You stood up and leaned against the railing . You covered all your body with a hood . No one besides zoro knew how you look like . He was your best friend. So yeah , it kinda explained the ignorance you received from sanji . Yet it burned you seeing him flirt with every girl .
"Oi , (y.n) , I got us some sakei , care to join me for a drink ?"
Zoro your tsundere bestie asked , he wasn't tsundere around you .
" Sure thing . Thanks pal"
You said as he filled you a cup .
" Cheers"
You both said and drank the sakei . It was ice cold .
" Wow that was refreshing !"
" I know right , I hid this in the fridge so we could share it"
He said and you hugged the hell out of him .
" Thanks you're the best~"
You cheered . He and luffy were the only ones who paid attention to you .
Zoro chuckled as he filled you another cup .
" Listen , (y.n) , dont feel down when guru guru (swirly swirl) doesnt pay attention to you . Im sure he doesn't hate you or anything like that"
He said and you looked down sadly , drinking your sakei .
" I.... I dont know... it hurts"
You said and he frowned .
" Say , maybe I can somehow make him talk..."
He suggested .
" You would do that ? For me ?"
You asked your eyes teary . He hugged you and patted your head .
" Of course I will . You're my sakei pal after all~"
He said . Sakei pal was the highest title zoro would give anyone . It ment that you drank sakei together and he loved you as much as he loves sakei , maybe even more , way more...
He got up and stretched .
" Guess I'm gonna go train for a while , care to join ?"
He asked and you nodded , you walked to crews nest and he locked the door . Since you would take out your hood , he knew you dont want anyone barging inside and seeing your face .
" Thanks , always so thoughtful"
You said and you two started training .

~♡sanjis POV♡~
'I saw (y.n) and marimo going to crews nest after drinking sakei . Why does she hate me ? Why does she not even look at me ? Have I done anything wrong ? Maybe she loves that marimo ? How does she even look like under that hood ?'
I thought cleaning the dishes preparing dinner .

~☆time skip, dinner☆~

" Nami~chwan , robin~swaan♡ here's a special meal for you"
Sanji said as he served the food . They thanked him and everyone started eating and talked about how delicious it was . But you couldn't eat .
You set at the table quietly . Staring at your full plate .
" Oi , (y.n) , why dont you eat your food ? If you dont want it I can eat it for you ."
Luffy said happily . You sighed and pushed your plate to him .
" Here , have it all ."
you said .
" (y.n) , you should eat ."
Zoro said , more like ordered . Sanji looked at you while he was giving robin a drink .
" Huh ? If you dont like the food I can cpok up something else"
He said taking a drag on his cigarette .
" No , thanks . Im not hungry"
You mumbled before standing up and storming out of the kitchen .
Everyone tensed and looked at eachother .
" Whats up with her ?"
Sanji asked quite dumbfounded .
Zoro shouted at him . Sanjis jaw dropped as zoro grabbed a bottle of sakei and ran off .
'Im....up with her ?!'
He thought and sighed .
" Sanji-san.... maybe you should talk to her and see what's wrong ."
Brook suggested .
" Yes I quite agree , sanji , you do treat her differently than us . Maybe it makes her sad ? Or maybe its something else"
Robin noted . a sweat ran down sanjis face .
" I dont get close to her cuz she hates me ."
Sanji said .
" Oh , she doesn't hate you sanji . Infact she likes you ."
Luffy said devouring all the meat .
" She likes me ? No way"
He said quite disappointed .
" I believe captain is right "
Robin said .

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