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So I was tagged by TOP_RAVEN and NAUNY_DA_PIRATE .
Im not good at this so lets just get this done.
Here's 13 facts about the lil' good ol' mingo me .

1. Im a leo , born at 16th August 2000.

2. Im something between doflamingo and law .

3. I'm a tomboy.

4. I have insomnia.

5. My favorite colors are blue , green , purple ,yellow and of course black.

6. Im an artist and enjoy drawing . Here's one of my works :

 Here's one of my works :

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

7. I HATE bread .

8. I hate being in a crowded place like a party or anywhere there are people.
9. Im fuckin rude and im not nice enough to lie .

10. I can speak Persian , Turkish , English , and im trying to learn Japanese.

11. Im socially awkward and cold towards people -especially if I dont like them- but I try to be nice to my friends.

12. My nails are very beautiful as everyone says .

13. Im satan . Lol.

14. I have changing eye color , it changes between green , gray and brown/hazal.

Thats it , 13 facts bout me + bonus .

I nominate :







Well thats about it :D
Uh... what should I say now ?
I hope you enjoyed?
Have fun ? X'D

Im outta here....

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