Trafalgar law x reader

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{Extreme trigger warning . There will be blood , violence , suicide , broken hearts and etc. Read at your own risk}

'Why..... why are you this way ?..... why are you so cold ? Am I not good enough ? Why do you hate me ? Why....why.....'
These were the thoughts I had every day , every hour , every minute , every second. ....
I set up from the bed and rubbed my puffy eyes . I walked to the bathroom and looked st myself . Red eyes from crying all the night and black lines under them caused by sleeplessness .
" Tch... no wonder he hates you . Look at yourself"
The voice in my head spoke .
" Ah shut up I already know . Stop causing me more pain you damned devil"
I said as I brushed my hair and gor ready to yet start another day .
As I walked in the kitchen laughter was heard .
" Oh hey morning (y.n)! Slept well ?"
The redhead asked .
" Why hello there shachi ! Yes I slept well . How about you? "
I asked with a sweet smile . He blushed .
" Im fine thanks"
He said rubbing his cheek . I smiled and went to set down next to bepo .
" Why do you lie ?"
Bepo whispered to me . I looked down at my plate .
" I.... dont know what you are talking about"
I said .
" You didn't slept at all did you ?"
He asked . I sighed .
" hurts...."
I said choking . He rubbed my back .
" After breakfast lets nap together"
He said and I smiled . Such wonderful friends I have . Im lucky .
" Morning"
A voice said and my smile dropped .
" Morning captain"
Everyone replied . I just looked down at my plate playing with my food .
Law set down and everyone started eating excluding me . I couldn't eat . I couldn't even think about eating right now .
"Captain we should reach the next island by a week or so"
Penguin said and law nodded . He atmosphere was heavy , at least for me .
"Thanks for the meal"
I said as my hair shadowed my face and got up walking towards the door .
" Hold it."
Law said .
" Yes , captain ?"
I asked .
" You didn't ate anything ."
"Im not hungry"
I bit my lip and walked out of the kitchen . Barely holding the tears .
'Ok is his answer ? Nuh nuh nuh.... and you guys have been fucking for almost a year now.... oops you rather call it as 'dating' .'
The voice said . I dug my nails into my hand .
" Shut up..."
I whispered as I lit a cigarette . Looking at the horizon . When did my life took a turn like this again ?
Oh yea.... when he stopped loving me and just using me as his toy....
I took a deep drag of the cigarette .
'Why dont you just end this once in for all'
The voice said .
" You know you're actually right for once"
I said as I gripped the cigarette . It burned my hand but wjo cares .
" We have a dinner party tommorrow night at an ally fellows ship . Your outfit has been chosen and its in your room . And I'll be waiting you tonight. .."
Law said from behind me .
'Do it.... do it....'
The voice said . I turned around and faced him . He had his cold glare on me .
" You look-"
I cut him off .
" Im not coming to the party . And go find someone else for tonight"
I spat clenching my fist . He was taken a back .
" Whats with the attitude ?!"
He asked .
" Im tired of being your doll . Im tired of being treated like im nothing . You..... you're not who you used to be . You dont love me anymore . You look at me with hatred . YOU ONLY CALL FOR ME WHEN YOU WANT TO SATISFY YOUR NEEDS!"
I screamed the last part and unexpected happened . Well actually it was pretty expected .
Law said as he slapped me across the face . The hit was so hard for a moment I went blind and fell to the ground .
Everyone rushed towards us .
I got up and looked at him with tears in my eyes . He had just realized what he had done .
I screamed .
I cut him off again .
I screamed and ran into my room .
Throwing myself into my bed I screamed and cried in my pillow .
" Why not go further ? Why not end it all ?"
The voice said . She was right . Im just a useless person who gets used and gets thrown away like trash . When I met law I thought he'd be different . But I was wrong .
"Tonight it is...."
I said to myself as I kept crying .

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