sanji x reader x niji ~ let your heart decide

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{Some spoiler ahead . Some are spoiler some are my thoughts . Oh and this will probably be saaaad....
And either a very long one shot or a 2 shot....}

Ichi- one
Ni- 2

I dont know if I should laugh or cry , be sad or be happy , or listen to what people say , my heart or my mind .

'Can the situation get any worse ?'
I thought as I finished cleaning my sword . I sighed putting it back in its shield as I set in the fancy room .
" Yo! How's it going ?"
Goji asked entering the room . He was being his usual cheerful self .
" Why hello there . Im fine ."
I said , forcing a smile .
" are you sure?"
He teased and I bit my lip .
" Stop teasing her goji"
Niji said entering the room , his face was pissed off . I smiled a bit . He was the closest friend I had .
" Hello there my sweet precious (y.n)"
He said facing me , his expression softening .
" Hi niji . How's it going ?"
I asked . He smiled and faced goji .
" I believe poison pink had some business with you"
He told him frowning . Soon goji left . Niji threw himself on the couch letting out a sigh .
" You know you dont have to put that mask on your face . You're human too . You have feelings just like any other . And now with him being in the game again...."
He drifted off . I looked at him with tears blurring my vision .
" hurts....."
I said as we hugged eachother tightly . He started rubbing my back .
" Ssshhh im here for you . You know I love you so much , I want to see you smile"
He said . I wiped my eyes and let out a chuckle .

I walked to mr. Vinsmokes office . He had summoned me . Who am I ? An assasin raised by the Vinsmoke . They found me when I was a midget and raised me up . However they dont know my true identity , lucky me .
" Enter"
He said before I could knock . I took a deep breath and opened the door entering his office . He was sitting on his badass boss chair facing the window smoking cigarette .
" im here since you have summoned me ."
I said .
" Oh yes . I wanted to tell you that sanji will be back prwtty soon ."
He said coldly , like sanji has gone shopping and now he's returning . My heart skipped a beat and I tried to keep my cool .
" And he's getting married to Charlotte pudding ."
He said . My eyes widened and my jaw dropped , causing my cigarette to fall . He was getting married to big moms daughter. ....
" And the wedding is two weeks from now . I need everything at its best . If anyone was to interfere I want you to eliminate them . And even if sanji wasn't doind as he's supposed to , kill him ."
He said . How can this man be so cold ?! Sanji is his son !!
" Y-yes , I understand ."
I said pretty sadly .looking down at the ground
" I was wondering...."
He said and I raised my head .
" Yes ?"
" Dont you ever want to get married ? You know you could get married to yonji or niji or even goji..."
He said as he turned with his chair , facing me as his hands were on his knees . a cold sweat ran down my back . What was I supposed to tell him ?! That I love his soon to be married son ?! No....

 What was I supposed to tell him ?! That I love his soon to be married son ?! No

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Lets say sanjis dad looks something like this....)

He cut me off and started laughing .
" HAHAHAHAHA , dont push yourself you have lots of time to think ."
He said . I smiled .
" Yes , thank you for your generosity mr. Vinsmoke ."
I said bowing my head a bit . He then dismissed me .

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