sabo x reader {Requested}

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I walked down the halls sadly . Everyone had noticed and they tried to cheer me up but it was of no use .

Sabo was avoiding me.... and just a week before my birthday . Hes been avoiding me for a few days now and hes been hanging with koala more and more . Does he not love me anymore ?
Well the only thing that I know is that I tear up when I think about it .
I looked around and realized im already in front of dragons office . I sigh and knock .
He says and I go in .
" What is it you wanted to talk about (y.n)?"
He asks kindly . I look down .
" Dragon-san i haven't been doing very well lately and I even failed at my jobs . Im here to retire from my post as second in command ."
I said looking down . I heard him stand from his chair and walk to me . As he passed me he put a hand on my shoulder .
" Im not allowing that . Why dont you just take off some days ? You have been overworking yourself again..."
He said and left the room . I sighed falling on my knees . Sitting there for god knows how long . Im not good enough to be his second in command and I screwed up lately..... way to go...
And now with sabo avoiding me im even more distracted .

~☆time skip by 5 days☆~

I haven't even saw sabo for the past three days .last time I tried to talk to him he acted weirdly and just ran away , claiming he had some business to take care of . And guess what ? I saw him and koala exactly 5 minutes after he ran away from me . Is he cheating on me ?!
But.... that's too obvious !!

~☆time skip☆~
Its my birthday but I dont even feel like getting out of bed . Now everyone has been avoiding me for the past 3 days . What the hell ?!
I dressed up wearing a (f.c) loose shirt and (f.c) shorts . With a pair of comfy sandals .

Walking out of my room I saw the halls were empty . Weird ! I searched the whole castle but there was absolutely no one !!!!!
I screamed entering the dining room . Fortunately there was food . And a note .
It said . I made it into a ball throwing it into the trashcan .
" Mission my ass!! "
I said angry . Wow what a great birthday I have , yay!

~☆evening that day☆~
As I was sitting in my room I hear someone playing violin . Getting curious and alerted I opened my door being greeted by candles lighting the way . The violins sound started to fade , I followed it , passing rooms and halls , corridors and balconies and finally I reached a door . Now the violins sound was coming from the other side of the door . Gulping I opened it .
I heard screams and cheers and the light blinded mefor a moment .as my eyes adjusted to the light I saw everyone there smiling at me . There was decorations and balloons and FOOD and gifts and more and more. ..
Everyone was there .
"Im sorry that we avoided you . We didn't want you to find about our surprise !"
Koala said .I smiled .
" Its ok . Thank you . But.... wheres sabo?"
I asked my voice shaking a bit . Someone cleared their throat from behind me andi tirned around to see sabo dressed formally and holding a bouquet of red roses . He handed them to me and I smiled .
" (y.n) im sorry that I've been avoiding you . I wanted to tell you something important but I didnt knew how . Koala helped me out"
Sabo said .
'So thats why they were together all the time.... but what does he want to tell me ?!"
I thought and suddenly sabo dropped to one knee holding my hand .
" (y.n)....we've been dating for five years now .we've been through a lot and you were always there for me , supporting me and giving me hope . I dont know what I'd do without you . I love you . So now im asking you this question in a cliché way , since I couldn't come up with anything good enough for you . (Y.n) , will you marry me ?"
He asked pulling out a black box which held a beautiful diamond ring inside it . I teared up .
" Oh my god.... yes I will !"
I said and he slipped the ring into my finger . Everyone cheered and music started to play . Sabo stood up and kissed me , I kissed back warping my arms around his neck .
" I love you"
"I love you too..."

That was the best birthday of my life , yay !

How was it ?
I hope it was good....
Thing is , Im not very familiar with sabo xD
I'll try better next time.... ^^"
If you have any requests comment them on the request board . :)

〰Donquixote_Joker 👿

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