shanks x reader {requested }

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Her eyes were shining bright like the sun as she sang in the tavern .
Her voice was a sirens voice , making everyone fall for her .
And her (h.c) hair falling on her face as she constantly pushed it behind her ear .
Her beauty captured everyones heart!
Even the yonko , red haired shanks .
Mesmerized he stared at her as she sang . Memorizing everything about her . Learning her ways and observing each of her movements .
"Its not nice to stare captain . "
Benn said as he drank his beer .
"He's not even hearing you . He's drowned in his own world ."
Yasopp said as he cleaned his guns .
Shanks just let the breath he was holding in for god knows how long out .
"If you love her that much , steal her away "
Benn commented .
" The sea is a dangerous place for a beautiful flower like her . "
Shanks said as he clapped for her as the show was put to an end .

Her squeal catched the red haired pirates attention as she tackled shanks .
" (y.n )! "
Shanks hugged her taking in her scent .
" How've you been?"
She smiled brightly .
" I've been okey . How about you? "

" I've been fine but I missed you"
She pouted .
Shanks laughed and cupped her cheeks . Her sift smooth skin was glowing beautifully in the dim lighting and her sparkling eyes stared into shanks's .
" I'm going to steal you if you keep staring at me like that~"
He chuckled .
" Haha ! Veery funny! "
She playfully smacked his chest .
"How long will you stay?"
She asked curiously .
" We're leaving tommorrow ."
Shanks replied in a sad tone .
" Oh..... will you come visit again soon ?"
She asked already missing him .
" I will the first chance I get"
He smiled .

They loved eachother .
They loved eachother more than anything .
But they both thought its a one sided love .

'Maybe someday he'll love me'
She thought as she waved at the ship disappearing into the horizon as tears rolled down her cheeks .

'Maybe someday I'll be good enough for her and she'd love me .'
Shanks thought as he stared at the island who was now as small as a dot .

"Be safe , my best friend "

I'm sorry for being away for so long .
As I stated in my profile , life is hell for me right now so I can't really focus on writing .
Sorry for the long wait and short chapter .
I hope you liked it .
I'll try and write whenever I cant .
Thank you for your reads ,votes and comments. ♡
Love you all!

Donquixote_Joker 🃏

Smiles,Donquixote_Joker 🃏

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