Rosinante x reader { requested }

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"How can you be so clumsy!!"
You barked at the man you were dragging behind you .
" You were the one stealing don't blame it on me!!"
He defended . You took a left running from the angry mob behind you .
" And you made me get caught by tripping and falling on me!"
You said jumping over a wall still dragging him behind .
" Why are you dragging me with you?"
"Cuz they think you're with me and they're too angry to reason with them"
You said panting as you stood against a wall , raging mob passing by searching for you .

" Are they gone ?"
The man asked .
" Yeah we shook them off ."
You said and glared at him with angry eyes but seeing that he was injured your gaze softened . You helped him get up .
" I guess I could treat your injuries"
You hummed .
" Thank you ."
He smiled .
" Lets go"
You said walking back to your place , avoiding the crowded areas and angry people .
"Who are you anyway ? "
You hummed walking in your house .
" my name is rosinante ."
He spoke .
" Wasn't rosinante Don Quixote's horse ? And im (y.n)"
You said .
"I don't know. I guess"
He said .
" well you just sit here . im gonna go get the first aid kit"
You said and walked away .
Rosinante looked around noticing many bookshelves .
" I'm back . Give me your hand"
You said and he did so . You started treating the wound on his arm and realized the many scars he has .
" You're either very clumsy or get into fights a lot . Or maybe both"
You said bandaging him up .
" Probably both . So why were you stealing ?"
He asked .
" I wasn't stealing , I just like to shuffle things up . Im not a thief . "
You hummed treating the scratches on his face .
"I see . Why would you do that ? Don't people hate you for it ?"
He asked .
" I couldn't care less . All I want is to get out of here ."
You said as you finished bandaging his shin .
" Looks like you wont be walking around for a few days . Or you'll end up reopening the wound on your shin . "
You said looking at him . You just realized how he looked like .
Friendly brown eyes and golden locks of hair . He had a nice body and looked rather well .
"Thank you for treating me . "
He thanked you . You shook your head .
" Its ok ,dont mention it . Where are you staying ? I can get you there ."
You said .
" Actually I don't have anywhere to stay . Do you know a place ?"
"You can stay here , I have a guest room ."
You said shrugging .
" Will that be ok ?"
He asked .
" Yeah its cool by me . Dont waste money on the expensive shitty hotels ."
You giggled .
" Thank you . Thanks a lot"
He smiled . You blushed . His smile was beautiful .
"Dont mention it . Hungry?"
You asked . He nodded .
" I'll go cook something for dinner . You can come sit in the kitchen or here ."
"I'll come with you . I'll help ."
He said .
" Nuh uh you just sit . Seeing how clumsy you are, you'll end up cutting a limb or two or setting yourself on fire"
You laughed as you two walked to the kitchen .
"So here are the choices . Sushi , steak and onigiri"
You said .
" Steaks would be nice"
He smiled .
" Yosh ! Steaks it is"
You said and cooked dinner .
He gave life to your empty silent house . He made you feel less lonely .

~☆a week later☆~

You two had gotten rather close . Him staying with you had became a normal thing , like he was there all of your life . You talked about your lifes and turned out he's a marine commander and a notorious pirates brother .
'I think I've fallen in love with him...'
You thought and sighed . This wasn't a good idea . He had to leave the moment his crew were to arrive at the island .
" Hey! I have some news!"
He walked in . You smiled uncontrollably .
" Hey rosi , whats up ?"
" My crew is here! They called me ."
He smiled . You froze . This was too sudden . He was going to leave .
"I-i see . Thats great! When are you leaving ?"
You forced a smile . Hoping there's at least a little time left .
"I have to go..... now....."
He said with a sad tone .
" I see . Well what are you waiting for lets go and get you reunited with your friends! "
You grinned and helped him gather his things .
"Its a nice weather"
He smiled as you two walked to the port .
" Yeah , it is ."
You said .
" (y.n) I-"
But he was cut up as someone called him.
" Commander! There you are! We need to go right now ! "
The man yelled from the harbor .
" Coming!"
He said and faced you .
" S-so you're leaving...."
You said in a sad tone . He smiled and hugged you , causing you to blush .
He hummed . Breaking the hug he stared at your eyes holding your hands.
" But I promise , I'll come for you and get you out of here ."
He cooed and cupped your cheeks .
" Because I love you . I'm helplessly in love with you (y.n) ."
He said and kissed you . Your eyes widened realizing what he said and you kissed back warping your arms around him .
" I love you too! "
You said breaking the kiss . You would wait for him . As long as it took .

And so you waved at the ship until it disappeared into the horizon. ...

I hope you liked it .
This was the only thing that came into my mind .
Sorry for the long wait dear readers .

Smiles ,
Donquixote_Joker 🃏

Smiles , Donquixote_Joker 🃏

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