Sabo x reader

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"Hold still dumbass! You're going to get us caught!" You whisper-yelled at the blonde.
"What is wrong with you, woman!" He squirmed , trying to get out of your stretchy web.
"Sssshhhhh!!!!!" You glared at him and covered his mouth, falling silent as the sound of footsteps running by got louder and louder, eventually fading.
"I think we lost them" you sighed and let go of the blonde.
"You're insane!" He gasped for air.
"First you come bumping into me, knocking me out of my secret hideout and ruining my mission, exposing me to the enemy, then you have the audacity to call me insane? I'll show you insane!!" You hissed as you lunged at him.

He was quick to dodge your initial attack but didn't anticipate your devil fruit. You got him wrapped up with one small motion.
"Gah! What even is this!!"
"I have the slime-slime fruit. Dont disrespect it or I'll suffocate you with it!" You snapped.
"Slime? Okay then" and suddenly he was a fire ball, trying to burn through the slime. But it did not go as he wanted. The slime suffocated and killed his flames , and he couldn't use haki to get out because he was tightly wrapped up.

"Aw, what's wrong, little stove~? Can't fire up~?" You teased, dragging him behind as you marched down the ancient streets.
"Let me go! I have work to do!" He complained, squirming and trying to free himself.
"Listen here blondie-"
"It's SABO!" He barked.
"Blondie, Sabo, same thing. You saw things you shouldn't have seen. You look shady as hell too. It's either me keeping you and letting my dad decide what to do with you or just killing you right now. Don't test my patience cuz i got none left " you kicked open the door to an old cabin in the woods and threw him inside, following in and shutting the door.

"This how you treat everybody?" He sassed.
"Well you certainly aren't a guest of honor. I'm so so SO mad at you I'm thinking of creative ways to kill you"
"You were right about having a short temper" he chuckled and got as comfortable as he could.
You sat down, letting out a small sigh and started writing a report.

"So what are you? Pirate? Navy? Secret angry assassin?" He asked curiously.
"The more you know the worse you'll die" you deadpanned.
"Aw come on, don't be like that! I'm bored and hungry!"
You were hungry too but didn't have the strength to cook right now. You were absolutely exhausted.
"I'm going to free you to some extent and in return you are going to cook. Don't try to pull anything funny cuz i will slit your throat before you can move" you threatened.

Sabo simply nodded. From your little quarrel earlier he knew you could beat him. The difference in power was terrifying. You looked like a sweet young woman but the aura you emitted was absolute danger.
You reduced the slime to mere cuffs and shooed him away. He let out a small chuckle and started cooking.

Some time had passed and you realized you were completely caught up in writing your report that you forgot about the blonde. You snapped your head towards the kitchen to see what he's doing, and you saw him cooking up a feast!! Everything smelled so good your stomach started growling.

"Need help?" You walked towards him, offering help.
"No, almost done" he smiled.
For a moment everything felt so cozy. You had no worries. There was a sense of peace and tranquility.
The food was amazing. You had some awkward small talk. His face would light up when he would talk about his little brother, and he would smile and get pulled into his memories right after.
You'd feel bad if you had to kill him.

And right on cue, you heard a knock.
"Hey y.n, open up!"
Sabo's eyes widened. He knew the voice.
You opened the door and smiled brightly.
"Hack!!" You hugged the fishman then moved away so he could come in.
Dragon followed after him and gave you a warm smile and patted your head.

"OI! HACK! SAVE ME!!" You heard Sabo crying from the little room.
You and Hack looked at eachother, shock plastered on your faces.
"SABO?!?!" He ran inside the room and brought the blonde out.
"Uh... how do y'all know eachother?" You laughed nervously.
"Y.n, Sabo works with us"
Dragon, your father, spoke.
"You must be joking!" You laughed.

"She said she's waiting for her dad and that she might kill me" Sabo spilled the beans.
"Tis my dad" you pointed at Dragon.
There was a moment of silence, everyone quietly looking at eachother.
"You're Luffy's sister? Luffy is my little brother!" He exclaimed.
"No no! I'm like, adopted" you chuckled awkwardly.
"You two can talk on the ship. Marines are here" Hack spoke. You undid the slime cuffs and hurried back to the ship. The escape was quite easy, as always.

You and Sabo talked about everything. He was actually a nice guy. You had simply always missed eachother and never got to meet before. You were the revolutionary army's best. Everyone called you by your nickname, Shadow. And Sabo was always referred to as the second commander. Funny how all these years you actually never got to meet, but were aware of eachother's existence and looked forward to meeting up.

"It be like that sometimes." you laughed.
"This is going to be one hell of a story!"Sabo drank his coffee.
Dragon had found you as a one year old when they raided one of the celestial dragon ships to free the slaves. Your parents owed money to the slave traders so he killed them and sold you off.
Sabo frowned when you told him about this after he told you his story.
"That is such an inhuman act" he scoffed.

"It's fine, i accidentally killed him years later without knowing who he was." You smiled, opening the file Dragon gave you for your next mission.
"He wants us teamed up" you chuckled.
"Not surprised," Sabo hummed, "it's a dangerous mission. We're gonna be invading Marijois."
"Yeah..." you were a bit nervous.
"If we survive, go on a date with me?" He kissed your hand and you blushed.
"Only if you don't get us killed, dumbass blondie!" You giggled and hugged him.

It was going to be fine.
You weren't alone anymore.
Everything was going to be just fine.

Not the best but I'm bad at writing things related to Sabo and Ace!!
I hope you enjoyed, might do a part 2 later.
Thank you for your support ♡

Donquixote_joker 🃏

Smiles, Donquixote_joker 🃏

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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