kidd x reader

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Kid , your red tempered captain yelled at you .
You yelled back . Killer sighed and facepalmed , or maybe its called maskpalmed in his case .
" Those two are so alike"
Heat said .
" We will sink into the ocean any day with their fightings"
Killer said taking a deep breath .
kid yelled .
You yelled back . Dont get me wrong , you loved him but as killer said , you two were too alike and you would never admit your feelings . Kid had enough so he attacked you .
He said . You blushed at the nickname , more like an angered blush . Gritting your teeth ,
" Im not short you're just a giant"
You said dodging the attack and kicking his leg . He fell down but pulled you with him . You fell on his chest , and blushed madly .
You said .
He barked back .
The only thing others could see was dust and smoke and shadows of you two kicking eachothers asses .
You and kid both said and quickly got up . Walking separate ways while swearing and stomping your feet .

~☆time skip☆~

You hissed in pain as killer rubbed alcohol against the open wound on your arm . Yeah kids metal arm fucked up your arm pretty badly . The bone was visible .
" Im going to sew up your arm now ."
Killer cooed and you nodded . Trying to ignore the needle .
" Why cant you two get along ?"
He asked . You sighed .
" Killer , he's the one who picks on me . "
You said and he chuckled .
" You two love eachother so much , not being able to show your love , it turns to anger and you two kick eachothers butts . Im dead sure hes worried sick about your arm"
He said and you blushed .
You said angrily but soon your expression changed to a sad one .
" Plus , im surehe didn't even see or realized that he teared open my arm . No way he even likes me , he sees me as his enemy"
You said .
" Teh , funny he says the same stuff"
Killer said and walked out of your room . You hadn't noticed him sewing and bandaging up your arm .
" Anyway , (y.n) , please rest . I'll check on you later"
He said and left . Ywah you had killer as your special doctor . You had a weird disease which no one besides killer knew bout . He knew about medicine and all so you went to him whenever something was wrong . You didn't trust the ships Dr. You knew he would tell other you're sick .
You took the pain pill killer gave you and tried to rest a bit . A few hours later killer knocked on your door .
" Come in killer"
You said and he entered .
" Damn , how do you know it was me ?"
He asked and you chuckled .
" Devil fruit...I could tell it was you from the sound of your footsteps and the way you knocked"
Yes , your devil fruit was that you had very sharp senses . Also you were very smart . Killer chuckled .
" I came to say dinner is ready . "
"Thanks I'll be there in a min"
You said and he left the room .
As he got to the kitchen , you were already there , eating . He sweat dropped .
《 How did she pass me ? Theres only one way to the kitchen》
He thought .
You weren't using your left hand much , since it hurt and you didn't want to reopen the wound . Your captain was sitting in front of you . You didn't even look at him while he was trying to get your attention . It made your heart ache that he hurt you so badly without even frowning . Then again , it was kid after all . What you didnt knew was that he was sad and upset but he didn't show it .
Suddenly a weird feeling was in your body . Your eyes widened as you knew what it was .
《No not now!!!》
You thought as you ran out of the kitchen . Not so far away , you started coughing and coughing . Until you started coughing blood . You dragged yourself away from the kitchen and to your room . Your body was ice cold and you kept coughing blood . Fortunately you had a bathroom in your room . Coughing more someone knocked the door . Not paying attention you asumed it was killer .
" Come in"
You choked now sitting on the ground coughing more . It was as if someone took away your breath as you saw who it was . Red spiky hair , goggles and a badass face , yep it was kid and god he looked pissed and worried .
" Oi , what the fuck is wrong with ya ?"
He asked and you remained silent . More like breathless from all the coughing . He suddenly saw all the blood and he stared at you wide eyed .
" Im sorry to bother you , captain . I am fine . Please return to your meal and forgive me"
You said , this was so out of character for you . He walked to you and grabbed your shoulders tightly , making you stand up .
Your wound reopened and you hissed in pain .
" Like hell you're ok ! Captains orders , tell me whats wrong"
He said .
A sound of something dropping to the floor catched his attention . He looked at your arm and saw blood , ripping off your sleeve he bit his lip at the sight of your wound .
" Who did this?"
He asked but you didn't answer .
He yelled and you jumped slightly .
" You...."
You whispered looking down . He looked like he had just seen law and luffy sitting on a throne .
" Me?"
"Yes , today while you were trying to kill me"
You said not looking at him . He felt like someone just crushed his soul . He had hurt the only one he loved and didn't even realize it .
" And it wasnt just today , so im used to it"
You said showing him the scars he had bring upon your body and his heart ached .
《I did those.... oh god what have I done? !》
He thought as you coughed again . Killer burst through the door . You saw him and tears gathered in your eyes .
" K-killer..."
You sobbed . Kid was stunned .
" killer.... I.... I..... its getting worse , it hurts more and its more often . I.... im scared"
You cried and killer sighed .
" Whats worse ? What hurts ? Whats going on ?"
Kid asked .
" kid , (y.n) has a disease which no one knows what it is . And you , you are one big jerk ! You hurt her even more . You love eachother yet keep hurting eachother"
Killer said and kid looked at you . Guilt and worry in his eyes . He walked to you and you tensed and backed away by reflex . He frowned and walked closer . You closed your eyes ready for a hit or something but it never came . He was hugging you with his face on the crook of your neck .
" I.... im sorry"
He whispered and you felt something wet and warm on your skin .
"Im sorry I was such a jerk , im sorry I wasnt there for you , im sorry I hurt you , im sorry I dont deserve your love , but (y.n) , I love you-"
He said and hugged you tighter .
He screamed in between cries . You bit your lip and hugged him back .
" I cant stay mad at the one I love . I love you kid . I always have and always will"
You said . He looked at you and smiled , not his usual sadistic one but a sweet one . He leaned in closer and you closed your eyes . Your lips met . It was a sweet passionate kiss filled with love .
Someone clearing their throat bring you back to reality . You blushed remembering killer was there .
" I believe I should sew up your arm again"
He said and you nodded .

" Why didn't you tell me about your sickness ? I could've asked law to fix you up"
Kid said as killer was stitching your arm .
" I know you hate him so I didn't tell you . I dont like to bother"
You said . He clicked his tongue .
"I'll do anything for you . Next stop , wherever the hell that freak is to fix you up ."
He said and killer packed his stuff .
" Kid , be gentle with her and if her wound reopens again , im slicing you up"
He said and left . Kid grinned and towered over you , kissing you passionately . You loved his scent , his red hair , his shitty attitude , childlike behavior and everything else about him . And same could go for him . On that day he swore on his life he would protect you with his life .

~☆extended ending☆~
Its been a year since you two were together . today everyone were acting strange . Shrugging it off you spent a nice day . Kid had told you he had some things to do in his workshop .
And killer kept you busy inside the ship .

As night fell upon you , you went to the room you and kid shared and took a shower and dressing into one of kids shirts and some shorts . You loved wearing his stuff . You walked into the room from the bathroom only to find a rose in bed with a note 'follow the roses' . There were rose petals and candles showing you the way . Following you got to the deck and saw the unexpected . Kid , on his knee with a box who had a beautiful ring in it on hand as the candles and toses behind him wrote 'will you marry me ?'
"(Y.n) I thought about a good speech for tonight but hell , I suck at it . You're the girl who keeps up with my shitty attitude and has a shittier attitude than me . You're my girl , the one I love . And whenever I see someone looking at ya I feel like choking them and crushing them to their deaths , cutting them to pieces as they-.............. that wasn't very romantic now........- anyway before I mess up more and embarrass myself , (y.n) , will you marry me ?"
He said . You were both laughing and crying . A cry of joy .
" Yes..... yes yes yes yes yes...."
You said as he slip the ring on your finger . You hugged the hell out of him and he kissed you . The ring looked pretty .
" Its so beautiful"
You said .
" Ya think ? I made it for ya"
He cooed in your ear stroking your hair . You smiled and hugged him .
" I love you"
"I love you more (y.n)"
He said as he picked you bridal style and started walking inside the ship .
" By the way , your attitude is way more shitty kid"
"No way you're worst!!"
"Nuh uh"
"Uh huh"
You argued and laughed together .
Your life was going to be nicer with him....

I hope you liked it and I hope kidd wasn't too OOC . If you have any requests just comment on request board or pm me~

〰Donquixote_Joker 👿

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