Ch. 4: The Number

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Aphmau's POV

So I got texts from everyone if they were going to the pool or not. They all said yes! I'm so glad we can all meet up and hang around! Ya know, like good friends! Also today, I have to give Katelyn the number from Travis. Should I even give it to her? She's pretty mad already. It's only been a couple hours since the whole.....incident. Ugh..... But she still probably is mad. Whatever! To be honest, I kinda what to see her reaction, hehehe!!!! I walked out of my apartment and went down the hall.


So I made it to Katelyn's apartment. Oh gosh, I bet everyone that when I open the door, Katelyn is gonna go on an outrage! Hehehe!!! I opened the door.

"Arrrrrrrgggggg!!!!!!! APHMAU LEAVE!!!! I NEED TO BE ALONE!!!!!!!" Katelyn screamed. I knew it!
Nicole was with Katelyn trying to calm her down.

"Ummmm, I can leave." I said. Nicole grabbed my arm.

"Aphmau, I need your help." Nicole whispered.

"Why?" I asked.

"I just need you here to help calm Katelyn down. Also, what is that piece of paper?" Nicole asked.

"Oh, some guy came up to me and wanted me to give this to Katelyn." I whispered.

"Aphmau! You know that Katelyn is really mad right now.......wait......ya know what. Give it to her." Nicole whispered.

"Really?" I asked. She nodded. I walked over to Katelyn.

"What is that?" Katelyn asked.

"Ummmm, here. It's for you." I said. I started to giggle. Katelyn gave me a confused look and took the paper. Nicole was backing away slowly. Katelyn's eyes got wide. She turned red.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK IS THIS JUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO THE HECK IS TRAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH APHMAU IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DONT WANT HIS DUMB NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Katelyn screamed sooooooooo loud, like, SOOOO loud. A couple seconds later we heard a knock on the door. I opened it.

"I'm so sorry to ask you this but can you be a little more quiet please." The lady asked.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! We'll try to be quiet." I said.

"Thank you." The lady said as she walked away. I closed the door.

"Guys, we need to be quiet." I said. Katelyn tried not to yell.

"So Aphmau, are we still going to the pool tomorrow?" Nicole asked. I heard Katelyn growl.

"Ummmm....yeah. Katelyn are you still coming or not?" I asked.

"Ugh.... I'll.....c-come......" Katelyn said.

"Great!" I felt a vibration in my pocket. I took out my phone. It was Garroth.

(G- Garroth and A- Aphmau)

G: Hey! I was walking around the city and that Travis guy we saw yesterday came up to me and told me to tell you to tell Katelyn that she's hot.
A: Uhhhh...... I don't think Katelyn wants to hear that right now......
G: Why?
A: Well....she got mad when I gave her the number Travis told me to give her.....
G: Is she still screaming your ears off?
A: Well some lady knocked on the door and told us to be quiet. It was really awkward......
G: I can't even imagine....
A: Soooo, I guess I'll cya tomorrow at the pool.
G: I guess so. Cya then!
A: Bye!
~Text Ended~

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