~Chapter Three~

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"We need to stop, it's dark." I heard Rick say.

"We can set up camp here." Michonne said.

"I'll set up the tents." Carl said. "Wanna help Mist?" He asked.

I snapped my head towards him.

"I actually have to do something." I said walking into the woods.

"What are you doing?" Someone asked.

It was Maggie.

"Just, something. Please go away." I asked.

"Don't do something stupid." She said.

I nodded.

I was going to write letters to everyone at camp, kinda like a final goodbye. I suck at goodbyes. I didn't want to leave the world, just go somewhere they wouldn't find me. I took out paper and a pen.

Dear Beth,

Bethy, Where do I begin? You were always there for me when I needed you, you saved my life countless times, and God I love you so much. Know this wasn't your fault at all. I love you Beth, aaaannnnddd Go get Carl. I know you like him, hehe. I love you, goodbye Beth.

Dear Rick,

Ricky, oh Ricky. You were always looking out for me and the group. You were always nice to me and I thank you for that. Please keep watch over Daryl for me. Don't let him go looking for me. Or Carl. Take Care Rick, I love you.

Dear Carl,

Coral, I promise this wasn't your fault. You were always there for me, thank you for that. I'm glad I got to know you. Be careful.

Dear Glenn,

Glenny, thank you. Thank you for watching my back. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for arguing with the group when I first met you guys. Thank you for accepting me into the group. Thank you for everything. I love you Glenny.

Dear Maggie,

Maggs, oh my goodness I love you so much and I don't even know what to say, this wasn't your fault, it never was or will be so don't blame yourself. Take care of Glenny for me. Take care of yourself. I love you Maggs. I love you.

Dear Merle,

I hate you. This was your fault. Karma will get you.

Dear Lizzie and Mika

Lizz I love you. Thanks for being my friend. Thanks for letting me in and keeping an eye on me. Watch your sister. Love you.

Mikks I love you as well. You are so innocent; don't let the world ruin you. Also, keep your knife close, be careful out there. Love you.

Dear Carol,

Carol, you were always like a mother to me. I loved you as one. This is entirely Merle and my fault so don't blame yourself. Don't search for me either. Love you forever.

Dear Michonne,

Chonne, I love you. You were always there for me and saved my butt a few times too. I will always remember our little store memory where we just sat and talked and ate crazy cheese. Good time huh? Don't let this world ruin you, although, it is pretty hard not to. Love you girl.

Dear Daryl,

This is gonna be the hardest part. Hardest to write for sure. Dare, I love you. You were more than a dad figure for me. You were my role model, my guardian, my lifesaver, and my hero. This was not at all your fault so please don't blame yourself. There is so much to say, so little time. You were the only person I opened up to. You, in all honestly, were the only person I really needed. I am glad I met you, I am glad we became friends. I am glad you, out of all people I could have met, I am glad it was you. I only slowed you down, and by leaving, I think it will be better for you. I love you Daryl Dixon and don't look for me. Goodbye. Fight on.

I had tears streaming down my face. I wrapped all the letters together and slowly made my way to the camp. They were all gathered around the campfires. Not one was talking about me though. I quickly put the letters in each of their tents then began running down the path. I ran faster and faster, weaving between the trees, tears flying off of my face. I spotted a small shack. I ran towards it, threw open the door, and walked in. I wiped the tears before sitting down on the cold ground. I was going to kill myself, but decided to just survive without them. It would be easier this way. Part of me wants them to come look for me but the other part just wants me to leave them...


How do you like so far? Please give feedback. 

Also I will be updating everyday unless something comes up. I will update a few chapters per day. And sorry they are short chapters ^-^





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