~Chapter Seventeen~

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After I had ended his life I carried him to a nice tree. I had found some wildflowers close around and i laid a bouquet on his chest. I shut his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. I was sobbing while doing so but I couldn't just leave him here.

"I love you Theo." I sobbed as I stood in front of him. "I know you will b..b..b..be watching over m...m...me and keeping me safe through this." I said inbetween sobs.

I turned away and wiped my eyes. Fight on. I thought to myself as I walked back, I had already checked the last of the traps while I looked for flowers. I got 5 squirrels and 4 rabbits.

As I walked the words 'Fight on' flew through my head at least every 10 seconds. I was still trying but they were mostly small quiet sniffles.

I arrived at the house. I stepped inside and Daryl, Rick, Glenn, Carl, Maggie, and Beth all ran up to me.

"Are you alright?" Beth asked as she wiped a tear from my cheek.

"What happened?" Daryl asked. He was standing in front of me with his arms crossed.

"Where's Theo?" Carl questioned as he stepped forward a bit. I only frowned and let a few tears escape. Maggie and Beth would wipe them every so often. I wasn't speaking at all.

"Will you talk now?" Rick quizzed after a minute or two passed.

I slowly nodded.

"Me and Th-Theo were out checking the t-traps and we split u-up and a walker attacked him" I said rambling and crying more. I looked at everyone's facial expressions. Beth was tearing up. Maggie was frowning sadly. Glenn was holding his head in his hands. Carl was tearing up also. Rick was standing quietly and emotionless. Daryl bent down and pulled me into a large bear hug. I had stopped crying by now.

"Sorry you had to see it." Rick finally said. I nodded.

I walked up to Beth and hugged her. I gave her a small forced smile then moved on to Carl, doing the same. I then left everyone alone to whatever and walked over the Abraham who was still unconscious on the couch. I crouched beside him like always and just kinda stared at him. I was basically lost in my own thoughts. I stayed like this for a few minutes until i heard footsteps walking up behind me. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned around.

It was Daryl.

"Hey.." I managed to whisper out.

"Hey. I want you to see something." Daryl said as he walked over to me and helped me up.

"What is it?" I asked curiously as I walked behind him.

"You'll see." He replied, not even looking at

me. I quietly followed

We soon ended up outside.

"Why are we out here?" I quizzed as I stopped behind him.

"We are just gonna go on a little walk. Okay?" Daryl replied.

"Okay..." I answered as we began walking towards the woods.

We were walking for at least 5 minutes before coming up on a beautiful stream with a miniature waterfall.

"This is amazing..." I said as I looked around to take in all the beauty. I snapped my head over to Daryl. "How did you find this?" I asked.

"Was just out for a hunt. Followed the game I was chasing into this clearing. It's breathtaking." Daryl replied.

"Oh." I said as I wandered away. I walked towards the stream and bent down. I placed my hand in the cold water and moved it around. I played with the rocks at the bottom, shuffling through them. Something odd shaped brushed against my hand. I frowned and picked it up. Bringing it to the surface, I held a shell in front of my face.

"Wow. Look at this." I said walking up to Daryl.

"Yeah. You usually find those in water." He chuckled a bit. "A raccoon probably dug it up and ate the muscle inside." Daryl took it out of my hand and opened it, revealing an empty inside.
"Oh.. That's so cool." I smiled and took it from him, putting it into my pocket as I walked back to the stream.

I looked through the rocks more hoping to find something else interesting, but I came up empty handed. I moved a little down.I was next to a bush. There was also a bush on the other side in front of me. I looked some more through the water.

"You think this water is okay to drink?" I asked Daryl.

"Uh. You could risk it if you were thirsty enough but-" Before he could finish I was already gulping down the cold, clear, water. When I was done I stood up and smiled at him.

"Uh huh. Okay then." I said as he turned.

After a few more minutes of exploring I started to hear a rustling noise. I figured it was coming from the other side of the stream, from the bush. I looked at Daryl then back to the bush that was moving a little. I glanced back once more before slowly creeping towards the bush. I crossed the stream by jumping on rocks and soon I was on the other side. Only about 7 feet from the bush. I took a few steps before stopping and crouching down. I was sure it was just an animal so it was nothing to be afraid of. I hope. I looked back to Daryl. He had his crossbow up and ready to shoot, just in case. He noticed me looking at him and he nodded, signaling for me to go on.

I shrugged and stalked up to the bush. I reached forwards and made and opening to look through. Next thing I know, something small and furry clashed against my body.

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