~Chapter Nineteen~

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I woke up to Scout licking my face happily. I sat up and looked around. Beth and Carl must have already got up and went downstairs. I patted Scout and picked him up.

"It's nice that someone can be happy in this world." I said to Scout as I stood up. His tail wagged as a response.

I trailed downstairs was met by Daryl, Rick, Maggie, and Glenn. Rick was pointing around on a map. I got close and listened in.

"We're gonna need medicine. I had Glenn scope a few things out last night." Rick explained mostly to Daryl.

"I found a wrecked ambulance that could have a few things in it. It could also have directions to the hospital that its from." Glenn explained.

Rick nodded. "Sounds good. I'm leaving it up to you to make the group that's going to head out." Rick said to Glenn. He nodded in response then turned to Daryl.

"I'm having you, and Maggie." Glenn said. Daryl shook his head.

"I ain't going nowhere without Mist." He said bluntly.

I took this time to show myself from where I was listening.
"Take me where?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Me, Maggie, and Daryl are going on a run. Daryl won't leave without you though" Glenn explained.

"Alright. When are we leaving?" I asked with a little excitement.

"As soon as you're all ready." Glenn announced as he turned to where we store food, and began packing some with Maggie's help.

I watched Daryl turn and grunt as he leaned against the wall, pulling out his pocket knife and began carving into a random stick he had.
Looks like I should go get ready then. I hopped upstairs, being greeted by Scout. His tail wagged as always.

"Hey buddy." I smiled. "I'll see you later. I'm going on a run." I added, earning a cocked head from Scout. I turned on my heel after grabbing the machete that Daryl gave me.

I returned downstairs with Scout at my heels. I quickly went over to Rick just as Glenn asked if I was ready. I held up my pointer finger to him and turned to Rick.

"Wheres Carl and Beth?" I asked Rick quickly.

"They are in the spare room. Carl has a high fever and he's weak. Beth is slowly catching whatever it is also. That's why you all have to go on this run." Rick said as he patted my back.
I nodded and went to outside where everyone was waiting.

"I want her riding with me." Her said as he gestured to me then to his motorcycle.

Glenn nodded. "She's going to have to so okay. Just follow us." Glenn said as he got into the truck along with Maggie. I turned to Daryl who was on his bike. He started it just as the truck roared to life. He gestured for me to get on as he kicked the kickstand away. I smiled a little and got on.

I wrapped my arms around his waist as we slowly lurched forward, speeding up as we went. I enjoyed the wind in my face as we went.

We drove for what seemed like hours before rolling to a stop. My attention went to a white blood stained ambulance.

"Here." Glenn said as he strolled towards it. 

He opened the back and 2 walkers fell out. They both wore nurse outfits and they were rotted to hell. Not to mention the smell which was horrible. 

"Ugh." I groaned as we all stepped back from the 2 that were slowly stumbling towards us.

I heard Daryl's crossbow shoot as one fell to the dirty asphalt. Maggie took the other one with a knife.

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