~Chapter Five~

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I started walking away from the building, there was nothing there for me to use, if there was, it would have been bunt. I started kicking peeled pavement and rocks scattered along the road. I started thinking of my group... I needed to forget about them. I'm sure they forgot about me. I heard something like a car engine and went to run. There was nowhere to run so I was frozen. I quickly hid my weapons in the tall grass surrounding me. Chances are they weren't friendly, and if they were going to kill me, they won't get anything from it besides killing me. They obviously saw me because they pulled up to me. There seemed to only be one guy there. I didn't know him. He took a gun and pointed it at me.

"Get in the car, now." He said.

What was going to happen? I gulped. I obviously was going to die, but it didn't have to be easy for him.

"And if I don't?" I asked.

He stepped out, still pointing his gun at me.

"You won't like what happens." He said.

This man seemed well-built and drunk. He took a step towards me, seeming as if he was about to fall over.

"Think I'm drunk don't ya? Well, I ain't so don't even try to try anything." He said.

There goes that.

He stepped closer and was about 3 inches away from me. I gulped again. I wanted to move, to run away, but I was frozen.

"Are you gonna come with me? Or am I gonna kill you here?" He asked.

I took a deep and shakily breath.

"I'm not going with you, so do what you have to, but it won't be easy for you." I said and landed a punch on his jaw. His face flew left, but he didn't stumble. Without missing a beat, he tackled me. He straddled my waist. I tried squirming under him, but it didn't work. He leaned down close and I thought he was going to try and kiss me but he just whispered 6 words that made me freeze.

"Do you know a Daryl Dixon?" He asked, his breathe hitched.

"N...No." I said scared.

"Well, it looks like we're done here." He said and stood up. 

I stood up and was about to ask him something but he punched me. My sight was blurry. I laid on the ground and watched him walk to his car. He looked back and laughed before spitting towards me and holding up what looked to be his middle finger before he drove away. Thats when everything went black.


Sorry for this really short chapter. I had like no inspiration for this one XD





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