~Chapter Twenty~

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~Mist's P.O.V~

"What did ya see?" Daryl asked as soon as he saw Glenn. 
"There are four, possibly five bad people in the house. Everyone that didn't come with us are held at gun point. Good news though. Abraham is up." Glenn finished in almost one breath.
My frown that I was holding from the beginning curled to a smile but quickly fell. Abraham is up. Which IS a plus. But what are we gonna do about everyone? 

"Well what are we gonna do?" Maggie asked, basically reading my mind.
"Gimme a minute to think damn it!" Daryl furiously yelled. 
That shut her up quick. It shut us all up. 

I sat down on the gravel road as everyone stared at the ground. I swiftly drew the outline of the house, marking where I suspected everyone was, marking Beth, Carl, Rick, and Abraham in a line with five men scattered about the house. 
I tugged on Glenn's pant leg and motioned for him to look at the scale drawing in the dust.

"Does this look like the set up of the house?" I asked, looking up to him.
He reached down and marked a spot where the bathroom should be.
"Yeah pretty much. I added where Scout was as well." He explained.

I smiled lightly and looked back at the drawing. I thought up a plan in my head. 

"I have a plan." I said. Standing up after a minute of thinking. The three looked at me, watching me for commands. 

I thought about it for a minute.

"Well. We could sneak in upstairs. Carl, Beth and I have a way that we used to sneak out. I was thinking Maggie stays up there and packs all of our supplies that we have up there while The three of us ambush from different spots." I explained that part while focusing on the drawing. "That is to say there isn't anyone upstairs. Even if there was we could still take him out quietly." I took a moment to look at everyone's expressions. They looked approving.
"Thats all I have at the moment. Im sure we can just wing it some how." I finished.

Maggie agreed to go up an pack supplies while we ambushed the rest. I offered to go up and scan around up there before she goes up. 

We walked up to the house. Daryl and Glenn hid behind a bush while I led Maggie to the access spot. 

I climbed on a boulder that was placed there for decoration and climbed onto the porch roof. From there climbed up the siding of the house and climbed into a window. The window led into the room that Carl, Beth, and I usually stay in. All of our stuff was strewn out in the room. 

I scanned the area. I didn't see anything, but I heard footsteps. I slowly approached the door and looked out. There was a man facing away from me down the hallway.
I slipped my knife out of my pocket and held it readily.

I stealthily approached the back of the man. I watched his movements. He began whistling a familiar tune. I couldn't quite think of it at the moment but I have certainly heard it before. 
I took a small opening to grab the mans mouth and slit his throat. Blood squirted out of his neck and onto the wall. 
I carefully laid his body on the ground. I stabbed him in the head before running off to the window. I whistled a signal to Maggie and motioned for her to come up. 

I helped in the window then went back down myself once I showed her where the bags were. 

I jogged up to the bushes where Daryl and Glenn hid. 

"Ready?" I asked.
They nodded. Daryl had his crossbow ready, and Glenn had a pistol. I took out my pistol and held it in my shaky hand.

"What's the plan now?" Daryl asked, looking directly at me.
Pressure. I shook my head.
"Uhh. I say we don't go in through the front door. Thats to obvious...." I began, trying to think of another plan. 

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