~Chapter Four~

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I woke up on the hard floor of the shack. That had been the first night without nightmares. I wondered what the group was doing right now. Did they even care? I wouldn't if I was them. I stood up, dusted myself off and walked outside. Nothing was around so I started walking. The dead leaves crunched under my boot as I walked. I could feel my face was stiff from the tears yesterday. I wiped whatever was left away. I had to be strong. I had to be.

 I started walking in the opposite direction of the camp. I was alone and scared. I hope Daryl doesn't look for me, he was a tracker, but I would hope he would listen to me when I said don't look for me. I had my backpack with me with everything I owned, and I could feel it slap my back every time I took a step. I wasn't really hungry, and I had my knife in the holster along with my pistol, so I felt pretty confident that I would be okay.

 I stared down at my feet as I walked, drowning in my own thoughts. I picked my head up when I heard a snap, like someone stepped on a stick. I grabbed my gun and pointed it to where I heard the sound come from. I saw the bush in front of it move and out stepped a couple walkers. Deciding not to take them on, I started walking a bit faster, leaving the slow walkers behind me. 

I could start to see the woods start to thin out in front of me and I took my gun back out in case someone was staying by the side of the road, or if there was more walkers. I made my steps quieter as I keep stepping towards the end of the woods. I finally got so I could peek out and see if there was something there, before it could see me. I looked left and saw nothing, then right and saw two walkers. 

They were on either sides of the road. I could just go through the middle and not have to even bother with them. One was facing me, the other wasn't. I started walking right because the group had come from the left, so I already knew there was nothing there. I approached the two walkers and they stumbled towards me, trying to catch a meal. Not today. I walked past both of them like it was nothing. I could hear them try and get me behind me but I was too fast for them, and they soon gave up. I kept walking when I saw a crumbled paper sitting on the side of the road. I walked over and picked it up. I un-crumbled it and it had some words on it.

Map to...

That's it. I looked on the other side and there was a drawing of a map. It looked like if I went straight, then took a left and made a sharp turn right, I would make it to some kind of sanctuary. I have no where else to go, and nothing to lose so why not go. I folded the map and put in my pocket. I started walking straight and I soon could see where I had to take a left. I felt a sudden urge to run, I don't even know why. I started running and made it to the turn fast, I turned left and started running again. I came to the sharp turn right fast and started running down that road. On the map, as soon as you turned right, you should be running into the building. 

It didn't surprise me when I saw the building. Except, it was on fire. Everything was gone. I saw nothing but burnt wood on top of burnt wood. I saw a barn behind it, and it wasn't burnt. I walked over to it and heard moans from it. There was a note attached that read 'Dead inside'. I ripped the note down and crumbled it, throwing it into the fire. I sighed.

"It's not like anything is good these days." I said to myself.

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